EnKi stove

Been looking for a base camp stove for 12 months now, small, efficient, enough for 1-2 people that (1.) simmers and (2.) doesn't blow out in any wind.
Simmering is a must thereby allowing food preparation other than dehydrated hiking food.
The best and closest I've found to what I'm after are the MSR Reactor and MSR Windburner but neither simmer although trivets are freely available on the web which would have the effect of reducing the heating temperature.
Its very frustrating .... if any one can lean me in the right direction of a simmering and wind proof single burner stove I would be grateful.

i have two msr stoves...whisper lite and pocket rocket.
the pocket rocket is really good at simmering. very small. great stove. it runs on those msr gas containers. it's fine for base camp. not so good for trips over a week...too much fuel to carry. that's when i take the whisper lite.
i would have thought the reactor and windburner would easily simmer. they look like a facny version of the pocket rocket. any of the gas canister stoves should simmer well. the white fuel stoves that need to be pumped and pressurised and primed...they are terrible at simmering.
if it's base camp..maybe buy one of the stove sets that asian students use at home with a little propane cannister. i guess you could buy/make a metho stove. they only simmer. or are we talking mountainieering base camp?
btw: moutain designs have a 30 percent sale this wekeend.

Floyd have you had a look at the Whisperlight? Simmers down ok and comes with the lightweight shield. Has been really good for the past few years.
One proviso, MSR says you can use petrol which you can at a pinch but unless you want to be cleaning the jets every second use, stick to kero.

i was hoping i'd learn how to make the whisperlite simmer from that video--that thing is not simmering.
can you imagine using petrol in these? i nearly blow myself up just with white fuel.
you use kero? geez, that's dirty enough.

hey chook & andy,
Thank you for your comments/input.
I have a MSR pocket rocket which can/does simmer but wind is a problem without a windshield but its cooking base can't handle anything but small cooking pots. The MSR Reactor & Windburner do not simmer at all .... although the Windburner burns "cooler" than the Reactor. Both stoves are designed to work at altitude and to melt snow fast for hydration and also for dehydrated food preparation. Neither have the value the pocket rocket has which allows the gas to be turned down this allowing simmering. The Reactor and Windburner have outstanding wind proofing will cook even against a garden blower/vac full throttle.
I've had Trangia before and dislike those type of stoves with white fuel bottles etc.
I reckon there is a real gap in the market here ... aren't those primus canister fuel single burner stoves dodgy?

Thanks Udo, interesting!!
Craig get yourself one of these.