3 Month Journey - where to go in Australia

It will be mid winter, you will need a steamer for Sydney and south, 200miles N of Sydney the water warms up a little and a spring suit is all you need.The days N of Sydney are usually quite pleasant but nights can be cold.Plenty of camping grounds close to the waves.Check out the online surf guides if you haven't already, they list the major breaks(crowded)but there are lots of uncrowded sandbar waves that can provide some fun.

Bring a 2x2mm steamer min for Nth of Sydney.....a springy may be okay midday when its sunny, an early surf with a offshore wind will see you freeze in a springsuit.

skip nz and sw vic. it's winter, not winter as you know it in jersey, but camping won't be a lot of fun. nz will be hideous at that time of year on the south island. have a look at a map...what's after nz? the antarctic. same for sw victoria. brutal freezing winds, pissing with rain, cold water and short days.
meanwhile tropical paradise awaits...land in sydney, drive down the south coast till your 3/2 wetty doesn't keep you warm enough, then turn around and lazily head north under the warm golden sun till it's time to head to bali. you'll have beach after beach all to yourself.

Forget the east coast in winter Jersey,
Fly to Perth and head north.
Easy hop over to Indo from there too.
Hey everyone,
I am from New Jersey and will be traveling for about 3 months after graduating college. Starting in June, my first stop will be New Zealand for 3-4 weeks, then Australia for 3-4 weeks, and finally to indo for the remaining 4-6 weeks.
I will be renting a car/van and camping around New Zealand working my way from the north island to the south. After that is complete, I am debating my choices in Australia. I will be renting a car/van and trying to camp or stay cheaply when possible. I definitely want to visit Victoria and the SW, but before I get there I am not sure if I should spend 7-10 days around the Gold Coast, hitting spots from the Sunshine coast to Northern NSW. Another option I was considering is to avoid the zoo and land in Sydney and drive south for 2 weeks surfing southern NSW and Victoria.
I would be in Australia around July, I was wondering what you would recommend. My plans are not set in stone so I'm open to other options as well.
Thanks for the help!