Female Pro surfers and sexism in the sport

Interesting read, the girls want the same prize money as the guys.
Fair enough, but the guys have 36 on tour, and the girls have 18.
Also, should they have to surf the same waves on tour then? Pipe, Chopes etc

Yeh, if they want the same pay packet for winning, then they'd have to scale down the last place payout.
But it's sadly true about the cash for arse.
Seems you can avoid it if you are top tier talent, ie Carissa/Tyler, but if you're in the next tier the sponsors don't want to know you unless you get your arse out.

wimbleton gives equal prize money.....and the girls only have to play 3 sets, not 5. so the precedent is already set in other sports to some extent...
I suspect that some of this has to with how much cash return occurs......surfing is male dominated so I can kind of understand the pay difference because blokes are generating more profit....but is it right?

I was actually looking on the WSL today and thinking fark of all the girls on tour all but two have already made 27K or more and top two already made over 120K each.
Sure the women are surfing ten times better than they ever did but if we got totally political correct and said okay sex is not important lets just have an open competition, there would be no professional women surfers.

Sexism...... Now there's something to get butthurt over.....

Those two Tasmanian girls at the end were hilarious! Good story though.

Ben, there was a show/forum on body image on the ABC hosted by Tom Tilley that Brooke mason was a part of. Worth a watch.

Thanks mate, I'll check it out.

Sexist waterpark bans G String!
Selfie Chick: "Does my booty look big enough to back up the water slide?"
'Everyday Standard Sexist Sign' is branded...'Too Cheeky' & 'Overtly Sexist'...
Family Venue defends Sexist Sexist Poster: "It is not 'Gender Specific Sexism'!"

These disparities are reflections of the respective popularity of men's and women's sports. Larger audiences attract advertisers and investment, but improved coverage and marketing of women's sport would go some way to addressing this problem. Bringing male and female athletes together in shared events, as in squash and tennis, has also helped to raise the profile of women's sport in some cases. Anyway there's a long way to go before equality is reached.

The WSL is a private company so they can do what they want. Maybe they think it's all about parity, or maybe they think it's a good marketing move and will fire up blokes on forum boards, who knows.
Anyway, as far as natural justice, or whatever it is you're blowing up about, you may as well argue the remuneration of overpaid CEOs to grunt workers in the same company. Sure, have a spray if it makes you feel better, but who exactly are you calling upon to restore this gender justice?
Because I'll say it again, the WSL is a private company, they can do whatever the hell they want.
And as an aside, anyone, man or woman, who gets paid to surf should be damn thankful.

Fellas, you need to worry less about what women are getting paid and more about junk that cheapens surfing and is only destined for landfill.

Shezzas imagine Bali surf schools by the hundreds using them.........

Stu is 100% right...
tbb applauds the dark humour of WSL paying women competitors more for less.
Only it's most unsporting for WSL to claim it as being anywhere near fair or equal.
*WSL women surf less heats, earning more appearance money than men.
*WSL women have less competitors to beat to win a tournament.
*WSL women avoid career injuries by surfing less dangerous conditions than men.
*WSL women have more recovery time with far less demanding schedule.
*WSL women surf less tournaments to win a world title
WSL Wave Pool Rules
WSL Surf Ranch Freshwater Pro
Women's winner would've have been banned entry from Olympics & Wave Pools.
Other competitors have a right to argue that a swimwear breach secured the title.
Similar protests are ongoing in world sports where stricter pool attire rules apply.
WSL should practice what they preach...Ha! Ha! Ha!
Ranch Wave Pool comp wastes enough water a day to supply a town of 10,000.
WSL claim sustainable PURE tag.
Only 4 Olympic surfers will train in WSL Olympic Pool (No! Not Kelly's Team USA)
WSL demand Olympics to be held in Kelly's Pool that fails 90% of WSL Olympians.
Wave Ranch Pro Playboy Bunny winner could get booted out of Olympic pools.
WSL is outraged when Pool Stadium Arena failed to look away during chix surfing.
Each day WSL know less about environment, surf comps, Olympic pools & sexism?
To be fair! tbb awards them the Nobel Prize for the Ranch Rigmarole Comp Codes.

Why being so belligerent? There are some ppl with disabilities, kids, just beginners striving to catch their first waves. And also count women in. We don't support any kind of oppression here, ocean belongs to everyone.
Definitely not a replacement but as an extra help for those that can use it, ultimately the use is to increase the awareness and to build confidence. What's wrong with that?

Someone needs a right royal boosting right up the clacker

That Boost site is A grade comedy - bravo chaps!


The Boost might work well on the bottom of a canoe, otherwise I can only see it becoming a drag.

tbb is disabled and hasn't surfed for over 3 months. Only in the last few days has a pool become an option for therapy and even that is against doctors advice. tbb can't make it to the surf & would be a worthy candidate for a wave pool only it's just that wave parks are elitist and ban bodybasherz.
It's also true that the very same wave parks allow WSL Pros in G strings if you like to bodybash anytime they please. Even video the half arsed rebel hero act for applause & sponsorship bucks.
swellnet / tbb #1 supporters of Aust Olympic Surf Team & women's surfing
Simply availing some of the many open examples of women's surfing getting the last laugh on sexism. Isn't it ironic don't ya think!
Sexism in womens pro surfing