
1ft surfing with kids and losing it....100% wanker how did he word his apology ?

Often noted fools such as this. Man, 1 - 3 foot surf is just relaxing fun. So what if someone drops in provided they don't bail in front of you. That happened to me a few times whereby powering through and a Mal drops in and the rider just false off leaving you now where to go. Even had a chap on a Mal do a cut back right into my path. Would be dangerous in bigger swells not to mention greater board damage to bo5h concerned. When crowded I just ride my old board as to save my newer board from undue damage. The point I make tho that it is no good getting upset and agro to that other person. All it does is negatively hype up your day and for those older such mouth behaviour will eventually lead to a heart attack. Last fella that had a go at me over his own idiocy was told best for him to get out and have a coffee before he has a heart attack. People just need to enjoy their time in the water and respect others. Our roads are bad enough. Surfing is meant to be relaxing and not hypoventolating. These fools are often a problem where they live with their neighbours also.

Mountainman wrote:Often noted fools such as this. Man, 1 - 3 foot surf is just relaxing fun. So what if someone drops in provided they don't bail in front of you. That happened to me a few times whereby powering through and a Mal drops in and the rider just falls off leaving you now where to go. Even had a chap on a Mal do a cut back right into my path. Would be dangerous in bigger swells not to mention greater board damage to both concerned. When crowded I just ride my old board as to save my newer board from undue damage. The point I make tho is that it is no good getting upset and agro to that other person. All it does is negatively stuffs up your day and for those whom are older such mouth behaviour will eventually lead to a heart attack. Last fella in his 60's on a Mal that had a go at me over his own idiocy was told best for him to get out and have a coffee before he had a heart attack. People just need to enjoy their time in the water and respect others and try to remember surf edecat on the bigger waves. Our roads are bad enough with ill mouth behaviour. Surfing is meant to be relaxing and not hypoventolating. These fools are often a problem where they live with their neighbours also.
Yesterday afternoon, me, my friend and a friendly lineup of around 20 were enjoying some nice little 1fters. Lots of little kids being pushed onto wages by there parents and slightly older ones out there with their dads.
So a set rolled through and I paddled to a peak to take off, but didn't when a mal had threaded a few peaks and called it. No harm done. He was later dropped in on by a 9 year old girl as the wave was dieing. While he paddled back out he was screaming "EVERY F*ING TIME, IF YOUR NOT F*ING CAREFUL YOU'RE GONNA GET F*ING HURT!" (Not sure if he meant physical violence or carnage from tangled boards. He then said to me "YOU'RE ON A F*ING SHORTBOARD YOU CAN PULL-OFF!" I would have retorted back but there were little kids around and I didn't fancy my chances against some one half a foot taller and ten years older, so kept quiet.
He calmed down a bit after a woman out there said "Ok big man, yelling at kids". I didn't mind being yelled at but I was thinking about all the kids around and the fact that really it was 1ft and it really wasn't good enough to justify a screaming fit. To his credit, he did apologise, but rather awkwardly, and probably because he realised everyone thought he was a complete tosser. I know my etiquette, but I pulled off before I'd even caught the wa e and it didn't affect him at all. Anyone else had a similar experience?