RIP Larry Gordon - inventor of the foam surfboard

Or maybe not so sweet!!!
More 'pistol' shots ringin' out!!! We need more 'pistol' shots... sepia ones too... storm troopers!!!
Enter Gordo valentine from from the uppity hall!!!
History repeatin' on ya... its never gonna end!!!
Get in orn ver shoulda (fuckin' shouldas") its easy!!!
Or... even easier still!!!
Works at pipe too!!! Wiv boawts too... just dow'nt go too 'ard now!!! History!!!
Poor Dave. Justa not so true innovator? History repeatin'.

Well, well, well. Oi Sheeeeeeeepdog, you've been barking a lot, and now something's actually here, you gonna bite? Or just lie doggo, as is your breedin'? Old dawg, new tricks, new year!

Both great articles leaving me somewhat confused.
Was Dave Sweet the Tesla of the foam era and Larry Gordon the Marconi?

It says he created foam surfboards in the article, not invented them. More that he was important in popularising them.
Although, I agree the title is a little misleading -
"Larry Gordon, surfing visionary who created foam boards, dies at 76"

'Was Dave Sweet the Tesla of the foam era and Larry Gordon the Marconi?'
'In the summer of 1959, when Gordon was a chemistry major at San Diego State College, he and his friend Floyd Smith built a mold, bought the necessary chemicals (from Gordon Plastics, his dad's family business) and started blowing foam blanks in Smiths's garage--and Gordon & Smith Surfboards was born. This was just three years after Dave Sweet introduced the first commercially built surfboards made from polyurethane foam blanks.'
'History'? Clark Foam? 'Legends'... can't protect em all but!!!
Poor Dave.
Its a bit farkin odd, ver farkin 'truuufe' aye maaayyyte!!!
Bin surfing for 45 years plus. deluxe memory. Justa history repeatin' on ya... justa poor outlook wiv no end in sight!!!
Light the fire... deflame the shouldas!!! Its easy!!! 'Surfeein' ... blax too... wivout eeeven goin' in ver waawter!!! History repeatin'!!! Lurve bin in ver eyre!
Pistol shots!!! Storms in ver desert!!!
And the all white jury agreed!!! History... ver 'odd' 'truuufe'... ( justa few fibs)
Adolph didn't have to try very hard. Fry ver 'odd' cunts... fuck'n littlin's too!!! Comrades!!! 'Truuuufe' (justa few fibs). 'We done good Adolph!!!' Adolph didn't have to try very hard.
Flies in the desert. I mopped that hospital floor for years. Treatment for... free... too. They just keep on coming. Some wivout eeeevo'n comin... vat 'odd'... 'truuufe' ... 'history' repeatin' orn ya... maaaayyte...
Poor Dave. Inconvenient innovator... true!!!

Here, Doggy Doggy, here, boy.

Poor Dave. Historically speak'n... not so sweet.
It never dates... the 'truth'... that's what the Merryweather board ridin' champ (except at blacks)... sponnoed by MR... labelled me. Come to think of it, coulda been bordo though, or jervis, or gaully, maybe camsless...
Gotta love eggs... lots of em too.

Poor Dave.
Justa hiss'tree (sic) reepeet'n orn ya!!! Truuuuwfe!!!
This trial-level meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing LoCHO diets with LoFAT diets in strictly adherent populations demonstrates that each diet was associated with significant weight loss and reduction in predicted risk of ASCVD events. However, LoCHO diet was associated with modest but significantly greater improvements in weight loss and predicted ASCVD risk in studies from 8 weeks to 24 months in duration. These results suggest that future evaluations of dietary guidelines should consider low carbohydrate diets as effective and safe intervention for weight management in the overweight and obese,'
'although long-term effects require further investigation.'
Gidday lads... and gramps's, they reckon yas are afta 'the truth'. Pleasure boys... and gramps's... join the queu aye, be with with yas in a while... !!!...?

What about fried or boiled rice Uplift? Asians seem to be mostly thin people with rice a major part of their diet, im not being smart just genuinely curious.

i guess its about burning off those carbs too.

I'm honestly on my way to the gym. But my wife is Asian, and I lived in her remote village for over a year. They love rice for sure, but their portion quantities are tiny, and activity levels are huge compared to the average westerner. However, what they really fight over is the pig fat. They chow down slabs of it. And coconuts... they love fat. Good fat. Saturated fat is a precursor for hormones. Cholesterol to humans is what cellulose is to plants... and more. Most people have the women's weekly knowledge and beliefs of it. This guy, a friend, is around 30, like my wife, they look much younger, fitter, and so much healthier than westerners. Real low body fat. He love's chowing down slabs of pig fat. Eggs are everywhere too.
But obesity and poor health is a huge problem for those Asians that live anything like the typical westerner. And, in lots of the the smaller, way out there islands, no one grows, or eats rice. They all have pigs though. Pigs are like gold, especially the fat. And coconut fat. And sea weed. Mega rainfall, water supply.
My view is this. A coastal heath, or maybe nitre bush, or pigface will survive and battle on in a crack in the limestone. Give them good soil, water, etc and they totally boom, thrive. I saw this bangalow palm in Lismore that was growing in the intersection of three creek beds, deluxe water, nutrients, shelter. It was insane, a mega palm compared to all the others. Racehorse trainers lament that they don't care for themselves like their horses, and know what every minute detail means to the horses performance. We applaud organic farmers for using fish emulsions, mulch, organic fertilizers, ample water etc. All the local 'green grocers' know all about that stuff. Yet in our case its a comedy of thought. Anyway, I'm around 60, do 25 to 35 training sessions a week, with a huge variety of clients, have trained people for over 40 years, and have always espoused the same thing since I saw the results. And have never seen it fail... if actually used... as I have directed. Big issue.
One triathlete I train, in the top 10 in the world, does on average 5 hours full on exercise a day, every day, on top of twice weekly weight training sessions. So, nutrition, recovery is crucial. Since working with me their nutrition has changed, and so has their ranking, and results, and recovery and happiness. The main thing that can be learned from them is that even with that load, way beyond what most can do, or do, they can still gain body fat, if they eat too much. And most people barf down way more than that athlete does.
That's my truth.
I put a reference about living there once. A glower.
Don't forget what happened ta Dave but. Hiss'tree repeatin' orn ya!!!!!! Or them farkin pistol shots... the all white jury either. The storm troopers.

So the fella with the tan in the photo ....what does he have to do with Larry Gordon again ?

Now look what ya done grounder!!! Can't answer mate... not in the constertootin'. Lil' comrade blowjabber's got work to do.
Its about hiss'tree... truuuuuwf... gordo... being sweet. Poor Dave. The healthy fit guy, with no obesity problem, no heart problem, eats shit loads of fat. Only hiss'tree wood ave it diffrant... aaaaaye mmaaaayyte.
Maybe you saw him do different... blowjab?
Anyway, what brings ya here blowjab. A liitle reflex jabber never hurt anyone... aye maaaaayyyyte!!!
Couldn't hurt a fly... could it? Comrade? Never give a little bloke a uniform and a voice!!! Now he's pistol whippin' up a storm!!!
'How ya farkin' garn ladies... sumtin' I afta get orf me farkin chest aye... I wuz workin' ve farkin 'eavy farkin bag I wourze, and I farrkin' tri's an farkin' controll's it I do... aye... but, aye... I gorta a farkin scone crakin' n mashin', nuckl' smashin' farkin reflex farkin jab orn meee... I av... jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber jibber jabber... so's I juzz fort eye shood tewll yas vat... aye ladies... yeh... aye... I dun... aye...
'What fucking chest? Fuck off you little idiot.'
'Biches!!! Scuuuse me guys... wanna faaarkin blowinjob?'
And so, as you've shown often, previously, you also have trouble holding back all your fitness and ya trainin' experience savvy too blowjab. Why don't you get out of the web, escape the web, and come in the gym. Come out... come on down into the world, I can easily set it up where we can film you putting all that experience... and savvy... into action!!! Historical!!! History in the making!!! Training a whole heap of people, and we can put it all out there... in the actual world. The world off the web. You've obviously done it heaps aye!!! We'll use an assortment of different titles, in view of the world... off the web... TRUE HISTORY IN THE MAKING!!! It will be really helpfull for everyone, ie
'Why not to let a fucking clueless idiot train you... complete with no results... by Comrade Blowjabber'
'Infinite, ludicrous gym fails and debacles... by Comrade Blowjabber'
1000,001 Moronic techniques, guaranteed to fail and injure you in the process... by Comrade Blowjabber'
History in the making, the truth.
Poor Dave.
Anyway grounder, that previous post, was my honest answer to your honest question to me.
What brings ya 'ear... comrade blowjabba?

Shadow boxer is back !

Fire up!!! Don't be too ard' on little blow jabba boxin' butt... you wouldn' wanna go too ard agin! Shall we put up all them versions of how ya ripped at blax, went too 'ard, wivout gett'n wet... Theyres heaps though... all different aye!!! Why didn't ya come over with all the other west coast vicco boys, they loved it, had aball, came for years. Surfed with heaps of them. They've never heard of ya!!! Kid... that's not the kid bin on the rocks again... insida local boyz hiss'treee... truuuwfe aye!!! Xcept it wuz more bullshit. Been booted outa crumpets again... they're off ya!!! Get off the web, come in with ya comrade, bring ya highchair... we'll add some more titles. Tell us bout blax again!!! Juzz fur ve truuuuwfull record aye!!!
Poor Dave.
Burnt crumpets by the fire!!! Fuck'n crumpets!!! Hilarious!!!

Come on, i asked the question. He answered it in detail, no disrespect to Larry Gordan meant by any of this.

Whoops, sorry groundswell.
By the time I'd gotten my head around Uplifts post , I'd forgotten you'd asked the question.
As you were gentlemen....
Back to more discussion about getting into the gym.
And into the " real world ".
Please read as intended indicator of irony.
35 training sessions per week = 5 sessions a day , every day.
Do tell us more.

Just thougt id add this. Ps the new season of south park is excellent.

Wrong Mick .
The shadow boxer is u .
So much energy , effort , delusion . Your the only one swing in .
Apologies to all , my post was more to do with the tangent that was first
Contaminated by Lincoln's finest at the start .

'Back to more discussion about getting into the gym.
And into the " real world ".
Please read as intended indicator of irony.
35 training sessions per week = 5 sessions a day , every day.
Do tell us more.'
That's the irony blowjab. And so on topic. Hiss'tree... trrruuuuuuuuwwwwfe mmmaaaaayyyte!!! You 'expertly' (sic) talk about things you have no, zero, nada, zilch experience or idea of.
Some days I do 8, 9, 10 sessions a day. The most I'll do, if its favours for people, is 10 training sessions a day. Some days I'll do 4 sessions a day. Between the hours of 6am and 9.30pm. And despite wanting to cut back, I do between 30 to 35 sessions a week. Plus other things, favours, and helping out the gym owners re videos, training staff, selecting equipment, etc. So its nothing like this 7 x 5 idiotic, moronic, ludicrous idea you wish to claim as history. I won't work weekends now. You have zilch idea of working as a personal trainer. And being able to attract, and keep that many high paying clients, achieve the results they happily pay for, and manage juggling the schedules of clients, most of who run their own succesfull business's. So, its easy. Come into the gym, we'll video my week, then yours in that scenario. Its a simple but elegant scenario. As I said:
And so, as you've shown often, previously, you also have trouble holding back all your fitness and ya trainin' experience savvy too blowjab. Why don't you get out of the web, escape the web, and come in the gym. Come out... come on down into the world, I can easily set it up where we can film you putting all that experience... and savvy... into action!!! Historical!!! History in the making!!! Training a whole heap of people, and we can put it all out there... in the actual world. The world off the web. You've obviously done it heaps aye!!! We'll use an assortment of different titles, in view of the world... off the web... TRUE HISTORY IN THE MAKING!!! It will be really helpfull for everyone, ie
'Why not to let a fucking clueless idiot train you... complete with no results... by Comrade Blowjabber'
'Infinite, ludicrous gym fails and debacles... by Comrade Blowjabber'
1000,001 Moronic techniques, guaranteed to fail and injure you in the process... by Comrade Blowjabber'
History in the making, the truth.
Poor Dave.
As for brokeback chicken soufl'e, the guy that pioneered the west coast, charged too hard at blacks, became an expert surfer at black's without even getting wet, the guy that pioneeered the NW, the guy that is a legend in West Vic, the guy that is also a fitness training expert, the guy that must save all the spots he's neever even surfed, but charged... to go back and... the guy who's awesome charging was cut short, at such a young age, 'by a injaree wike no uvver!!!' Please allow us to video you also, along with blowjab. It would be fucking ludicrous. That's the historical truth. ironically on topic, not the 'hiss'tree the trruuuuuuwfffe you bullshitting gumbies portray.