Sea Ulcers

Mountainman you gotta post a picture of the scab circle you peel off,(or am I the only one that does that).
Antiseptic powder applied several times a day will clear it up,

Ditch the betadine, try medicinal honey (if your staying out of water), or old school peroxide if it get festy. Even dodgy old talcum powder will dry them out when your not in water, just need to keep it dry when not in water. My grandfather used to put metho on them when i was young hurt like hell.
Tea tree oil is good as well
Where are the photos and the circular scab which is the only joy of sea ulcers, just paste the photo maker sure its not to large
This could be legendary , my ulcer is bigger than your ulcer LOL my scab is bigger than your scab

2x 20mm holes jeezus....have the docs taken any cells for testing ? something not right .

mate get antiseptic powder and waterproof band aids best of both worlds learn to duck dive with foot

Mountainman,mate feelin for ya,been down your road years ago and im sure its been posted somewhere here before but lost in the archives no doubt so im sure others will chirp in but heres my 2 cents worth.Go and get a zinc test done at the chemist ,your more than likely real low on zinc so go get some into you,also lysine and magnesium and vit bs and c.Your immune system is obviously down so build it up and you will have to stay out of the surf till its completely healed.I had a similar thing years ago and was told how to fix it but cut corners and ended up with an ulcer that you could put a 10 cent piece in and i recon it took 6 months to heal and even then the skin was still fragile so forget surfing till its healed and work on your diet and take those tablets...worked for me and i havent had an issue will beat this and have a better immune system but stay with it style change.Good luck....

You need neophrene type knee support - provide protection - go to a chemist. On my Indo strips I have taken a fabric one in case but never needed it. Put some vaseline over the wound too in the water so there is no friction - under the neophrene support of course. By the way current thinking is to let wounds heal moist - not form a dry scab. Hence the plastic skin see through type bandages

hey mountainman, as a serial return to the surf too early offender I'm feeling for you, only had small issues with ulcers though so can't help much.
the guys above seem to have some good advice, I'd recommend the knee supports for sore knees mentioned probably are the go, kinda wetsuit material stuff, fluffy inside.
I'd just add, on my travels I aquired some waterproof spray on skin stuff from a german learner chick, she couldn't surf for shit but those Germans always have some good shit, material and mental . I haven't used it much but it definitely helps. I haven't seen it in oz but it was by the german version of elastoplast so shouldn't be toi hard to track down. much better than those supposed waterproof bandaids, a combination could be the go
the advice above to try to heal properly is probably best, but you already know that

frog wrote:By the way current thinking is to let wounds heal moist - not form a dry scab.
yep, this is spot on, was mentioned in a previous ulcer thread
chin wrote:It's got me fucked why Betadine is sold in pharmacies as a wound treatment, it's toxic to cells in open flesh.
In hospitals it's mostly used on skin to kill fauna prior to surgery.
The latest thing in the health industry for healing wounds is what's generally referred to as "wet wound healing"
This is where the wound is covered by a square, or rectangular dressing pad which has an adhesive margin around the outside which seals the dressing to the skin all the way around.
The interesting part is that the body's own immune system does the healing in a sealed environment.
The area under the dressing becomes very wet and mucky looking, quite a bit of pus and looks bad, but after a few days the dressing is removed and the wound heals incredibly fast and isn't inflamed by infection.
My wife gets the dressings from work, but I think they are available in chemists now in various sizes.
Wet wound healing has revolutionised wound care in the health industry, I'm wondering if some of the other methods mentioned above like honey actually work on the same principal and it's not the actual honey doing the healing but the fact that the wound is sealed allowing the immune system to do it's job.
Bloody wretched Sea Ulcers. Have 2 huge ones on knees since early September. Tried everything except the Medicinal Honey. Just bought a tube of this and not cheap. This latest round of surfing 3 weeks ago has brought these back to square one thus extended time now out of the water. Pisses me off big time particularly when I know we have an increasing swell and ain't nothing I can do about it. Skin seems to cover these things only to dissolve after 5 minutes in the water. Unfortunately now have to bite the bullet and let these 20mm size things get past the scar tissue stage. Surfed for over 45 years and have never had to deal with such large Ulcers. Have many scars from smaller ones but they did not dry dock me. Normally travel from Toowoomba daily to surf the Sunny Coast when we have swell and right wind conditions which initself kills the friggen boardom of living in this boring town. To miss out on a swell event is really eating at me. Anyway at least not having to deal with the wayward holiday crowd with so much fiberglass in our waters this time of year. Be back by cyclone swell time hopefully. Hard to kep fit in the meantime. Hate that first rusty day back but the bigger picture lays beyond. See you all soon at Alex or Noosa weather hate me or friend. Mountain Man from Toowoomba signing off. Enjoy the bloody crowds this holiday season. Cheers.