Best wetty bucket/ surf bag ideas

I use a bucket boss, wetties only in the bucket...fins, suncream, wax etc in the outer pockets.

I'm using a $5 soft plastic bucket with handles that I bought from Bunnings. Seems to work OK though last week I found a rotten banana down among the spare fins, wax, and zinc. It'd mixed in with the wetty run off and made my car smell like bin juice.
If you come up with something let me know.

Car wash one with the mesh pockets.
Crustt im sure you could knock up something good ?

And don't forget a pocket for the bananas!

I find that wetty bucket stays for wetty only . You fill it with fresh water after surfing & clean the bucket & wetty so it stays clean . Wax n stuff goes in a bag separate .

Sorry I didn't realize what a bucket boss is but now ido . Looks worthy .good call . My version is a standard bucket & old backpack for the accessories

I use one of those cheap, flexy buckets for wetties and take fresh water to rinse off. I pour water in the bucket and squash my wettie with my feet grape crushing style to rinse my wettie out post surf.
For wax and fins and sunscreen etc I use one of those insulated bags that can carry a six-pack of cans.

Dingdoctor wrote:Got some crustt bags absolutely the real deal. Let's go Scotty design us one up......
At first I thought to hard, but an idea just struck me, but don't hold you breath, time moves slowly in crustty land:)

stunet wrote:I'm using a $5 soft plastic bucket with handles that I bought from Bunnings. Seems to work OK though last week I found a rotten banana down among the spare fins, wax, and zinc. It'd mixed in with the wetty run off and made my car smell like bin juice.
If you come up with something let me know.
I use the same , I have an idea similar to the bucket boss but simpler and suited to the bunnings bucket.
The bucket boss is very cheap in the US, by the time it gets to oz it is more of a price I can compete with, I'd be using teflon thread to stand up to all that salt and urine:)

Back in the day when I was a grom the old flour buckets from the bakeries were the go. You'd fit plenty of stuff in 'em, and their hard shells allowed for ideal sticker placements.
Sounds like I'm using the same as everyone else though. Hard to beat the $5 flexi tubs. No piss-smelling problems at my end now that I only wear a vest these days. I keep everything in there - fins, wax, sunscreen, waxcomb, boardies and a vest.

I use a dry sac for my wet suits from the Kathmandu shop. I like them because they don't stink with use, fit into tight spaces in the car, don't roll or tip over when driving and when home can be filled with water for the rinse out. I've had the current one for over 3 years with no problems. For sunscreen, wax, ear plugs, fin keys etc I use individual old vitamin pill plastic containers and they all fit into a much larger old protein powder plastic container. Everything is snug in their own little container and no clean ups required. Those plastic containers you buy in the supermarket would work just as well.

Dingdoctor wrote:Which model you running udo?
The car wash one.....picked it up on a council pickup it needed a bit of stitching repair ...I used lightweight fishing line for that
A piece of rope threaded thru all those fin pouches that your fins come in..tied around the top of any bucket, pouches hanging on the outside......
The Macguyver bucket...would work o.k. ?

We used to use dirty linen bags from hospitals. You see them hanging in metal frames in the hallways.
I've still got a couple from the 70's. They're really tough, with a big thick draw string.
Used one as my only piece of luggage for O/S travels.

I found the buckets too cumbersome and can fall over spilling crap so I go with a really big industrial strength plastic bag that can take 3 or 4 steamers but folds up or lays flat to be nothing at all. Most of the time I am too lazy and just lie the wettie on the plastic bag until I get home
And like Zenagain a insulated type bag that is small enough to fit anywhere takes fins, sun cream, hat, fin ratchet etc
Personally I wanted something that does not obstruct the back of the car or take up room, hence the options above
Crustt - if you make something that is collapsible then ....

My wetty bucket needs replacement immediately, that's been the thought for nearly a year now. It's a disgrace, melted wax and set fins to the bottom with black leash cords, cardboard and all other manner of things hanging at the bottom.
Will replace this week but get a photo this evening.

Yeah pics craig

Here it is, after looking at this I'm definitely replacing it on the weekend! :o

Sweet Jesus

Haha, well past it's due by date.

Brokensha ,that's shocking.

But can't you see the assymetrical fins I'm growing in there..

So much culture.
Howard Florey would be proud of you Craig.

Bloody hell, that's a Class A health risk! How's the jagged edges on the sides too.. Surprised you haven't cut yourself getting your wettie out of the tub.

Haha, hard to believe but it's not as bad as it looks, no smell, dry and just more so melted wax and random tape bits from small dings on my boards. But will sort a replacement ASAP.

No, never saw anything as bad as that before , not even down the bottom of my rubbish bin looks that bad ... and you put your wettie in there?

Wax comb looks reasonably clean?
And the applicator on that hemorrhoid cream looks rather devoid of any nasty little surprises.

Yep wax comb is in fine nick!

Is that green leafy material at the bottom , or the beginings of some sort of fungal mold . Perhaps it's not bum cream zen , but anti fungal skin cream .?! we'll go with the non preservative beer caps as the source ?
Hands up who's inadvertently skulled rank two year old bottled water , in desperation or by pure mistake after lengthy session in the heat ?!

The beer tops are a lovely touch and speak to post-surf sessions in the carpark sessions under a setting sun.
And after three beers who can be arsed clean anything up?

Southey, just dirt and leady material, and even water that's been in your car for a week gives that rank plasticy taste, yuck.
And Stu, spot on!

hahaha Craig that is rough as guts!

Ive gone the soft plastic bunnings bucket as well, spare leggie + fins at the bottom. sunscreen & wax (+fin keys and leggie ties and a small screwdriver to pry out fin tags from plugs) in a snap-lockable tupperware type container also thrown in to keep the oils separated from the salt, then when ya get home/back to the beach shower you can take the box out and fill the bucket up with fresh water and give the wettie a soak.
The bucket is easy to carry if you want to bring it down the beach.
Only downside is u can't peel off the sex wax stickers and put them on the side of your bucket like you could with a box.

Despicable craig

Lol .looks like something from verge pick up day.....

Straight out of Freerides now retired VW baitbus.

Has seen some places that bucket, be sad to let it go..

Here we go...resurrecting an old thread but it's with good reason.
I got lucky on the weekend, won a raffle and scooped this wetty tub. Simple and smart, it's one of those soft Bunnings jobbies but with pockets rivetted to the side for wax, fins, and assorted contraband.
You be the judge.

Seems like you're on a roll Stu.
Craigs is still a classic. Can't believe they let it over the border.

Hahahahaha, oh dear!!!
I'll let you know I've got a nice new blue bucket from Bunnings

Looks like a good product but at $30 a pop Id go with Craigs stubby top and all.
For me a flexi bunnings bucket for Wetty, Wax, Fin Keys, Wax Comb in a small tub. Fins float free.

Where is the banana Stu?
This has inspired me to do something with all the other stuff in the $2 shop wetty storage bucket. Have always thought it would be better not to have the wax, comb, fin keys, spare leggie and assorted paraphernalia in the same box. Perhaps put all the spare fins etc in same. Maybe one of the many backpacks sitting around the house unused.
If you have kids, the one thing you have is an excess of backpacks. Probably something classy from many years ago, like a Bob the Builder backpack.

Those flexi bins at bunnings changed my life. But before that, when I was on more of a budget, one of those big tarp bags from Ikea somehow found its way into the car and served well for a number of years!

I ended up making some pockets for the Dingdoctor to go on this sort of bucket
Forgot to take a photo, did the job and dingdoc liked it but I wasn't that impressed, only cost about $3 in materials as most of it was scrap from another thing I make but it took an hour to make it, so it was to expensive to sell.
For myself I got 2 of those pails and drilled holes in the bottom of one of them and put it inside the other one so the wet wetsuit drained into the bottom bucket and it wasn't fermenting in it's own juices. With a sealed lid no wetty smell to upset the missus on a road trip. I then added the 11 litre pail to sit inside the next one for fins, wax and the rest, but the problem with the bucket was it was round and narrow , so if it was not jammed in between stuff it fell over.
So I got 2 of these and did the same thing, works much better, fins and stuff are back where they belong, floating around the car. good, didn't think of using wetsuit rubber, the stretch would work better, $30 is reasonable
Looking for a few ideas. At the moment am running a plastic tub with multiple fin sets, fin keys, wax, sun cream etc at the bottom and a wetty on top as my " throw in the ute/ car " with a few boards go surfing kit.
Need to get a bit more organised. What's out there being used to house all the gear we need to take with us each surf ?
All tips and ideas appreciated