
Doxycycline a must. Bali I wouldn't bother elsewhere I would.
To search -swellnet and the topic into google

salt wrote:I know its been done before but the forum search isnt working for me. Anyway I'm off to south sumatra in a few weeks, I havnt got the malaria tabs, should I? Some fellas I've talked to haven't bothered, just made sure the bushmans was liberally applied. What do you guys do.
I stayed in Krui a few years ago...came home and was as sick as I would ever want to be...for maybe a month before I got on top of it. Would wake up in a bed saturated with my own sweat...fever...vomiting, lethargy and really severe joint pain. I wasnt actually diagnosed with malaria, but some unidentified mosquito borne virus I think they told me. Anyway, its a really dirty part of the world, I would be taking my malaria tablets...caking on the bushmans and double checking the mozzy net on my bed.
I remember waking up one morning and sitting on my bed, watching a handful of mosquitoes buzzing against the net surrounding me, but as my eyes adjusted to the light I became aware that the little bastards were actually on the inside, trying to get out

hey salt, I posted this for a similar topic on this site. mozzies tend to avoid you if you have a high level of vitamin B in your blood. barocca is a good source and easy to travel with.
and to you balance, I often stay with a family on the coast nth of krui and every time I come they ask me to bring lots of barocca because they feel it works . I feel for you cobber coz I know lots of guys that have gotten sick in that part of Sumatra. definatley use doxy if you can but some guys get sun sensitive.
" vit b is a great asset.
ive said this before on this site but I always take barocca to indo.
its not the only precaution a bloke should take but it definitely discourages mozzies from biting , and there are a hell of a lot more diseases than just malaria that are spread by mozzies. dengue and many ross river type viruses. and those mozzies arnt always the ones that bite at dusk / early evening.
it works quite well.
helps with hang overs too.
mozzie nets are a must outside bali too."

A doctor in Krui once told me "only 30 people have dies in Krui from Malria this year, not that many."

I get really really burnt on doxy. Try them out at home / have an alternate if you go that route.

haha yeah actually the resemblance is uncanny.
he might of been joking but im not really sure :?

denguie in nembrala
chikungunya in bali
malaria in sumatra
Japanese Encephalitis most of asia
theres a lot more out there.
if they don't bite ya then they cant hurt ya. cover up. mozzi net. vitamin B. lotions. meds if you can. been doing it since 82. no mosquito diseases but have watched many go down. (ah Bobby)

Let us know what Doc prescribes for you .

Sydney Morning Herald has a story about the Aussie defence forces use of Mefloquine (?) and its effects.
Heavy shit.

Larium yeah ?

@patrickdeprez is Doxycycline still the preferred Antimalarial for Indo ?

I heard malerone is the best. Not sure if correct but a few vets have told me that. Use doxy and if you get malaria use malerone. An indo doctor also told me that.
But last several trips i used nothing, just tried not to get bitten. However my small apartment in sumawa was full of mossies every day, i ended up catching dengue fever in ramadan, where the hospital has shut shop for a few weeks. Lucky my gf worked in a chemist/apotek and got it sorted.

My knowledge of Malaria meds are pretty crap, I've only ever taken Doxyciline the first few times i went to Indonesia and haven't taken anything since.
I dont even recall was always Larium (the bad shit) or Doxyciline.
I did read a not long ago you can now get an injection, don't know how well it works though?
This website seems good
Personally i don't even think about malaria these days, god even if i had it, i probably wouldn't click and just think I'm sick with something else.
If anything I'm more concerned with Dengue fever quite a few people i know have got dengue fever in Bali, Java, Lombok.
I know its been done before but the forum search isnt working for me. Anyway I'm off to south sumatra in a few weeks, I havnt got the malaria tabs, should I? Some fellas I've talked to haven't bothered, just made sure the bushmans was liberally applied. What do you guys do.