XCAT race in the Gold Coast Seaway

"RECREATIONAL boaties and fishermen, as well as commercial operators, will be locked out of the Gold Coast Seaway for much of next weekend because of a powerboat race.
Even surfers wanting to paddle across the Coast’s busiest waterway to get to their favourite waves on South Stradbroke Island will be banned.
To make matters worse, most commercial operators haven’t been told of the exclusion zone and are still taking bookings from customers."

Away san, hows things man?
I'm a Goldy lad too. Northern end, Main Beach.
You'll get a wave up aound the Sheraton, usually a bit of south swell gets in there.
I'm counting the days down till December- Yee hah!!
Am I to understand that regular people will be unable to use the Gold Coast Seaway from August 22nd, 23rd, 24th?
I am on my annual visit home to the Gold Coast, leaving tonight and arriving Friday morning. Saturday morning looks like t could be the best chance of getting waves for a long time.
It is bad enough that these water bogans are allowed to have their stupid race their in the first place but if it means I miss my first waves in 11 months I will be fuming.
Fuck you Tom Tate.