Another Shark attack (this time surfer in Vic)

sure does mate I have moved out of WA to Indonesia,just to paranoid to surf the sw coast any more .
the fucken things seem to be everywhere and very big.

That's a big move dm.are you in the mines?just wondering how long and where you lived in sw goes on mate its not jaws 3

31 shark attack fatalities in Aus since 2000. I stand to be corrected. Clearly not insignificant to all of those who have been effected. No disrespect intended, but the simple facts remain that the chances of being taken by a shark are still so very low. Then if compared to many other modes of death that are a possibility in daily life it looks even more unlikely. It just seems to be such a powerful physiological mode of death IMO. It's the unknown & the unseen factor maybe, the lack of control.........

I agree with u Rabbit, on the scheme of things 31 fatalities from sharks compared with the huge amount of fatalities to , say motor vehicle deaths, is very small. Its the psychological issue that a 'beast' is hunting us down and taking us out ( fuelled very adeptly by our friendly media outlets).....and in SW WA since that spate of attacks in 2011 its been relatively quiet here. However as Indo Dereaming said it depends on where you live, and if you get a number of fatalities in a short space of time in the same area the negative psychological impact will linger longer and stronger than someone who is not so close to the fatalities

Compare average number of car accident deaths in SW WA to average number of people driving their cars in SW WA everyday.
Compare average number of shark attack deaths in SW WA to average number of people swimming in the SW WA ocean everyday.
Would be interesting to see what comes out.
Really, I think it's amazing there aren't more road deaths but I suppose I'm getting off track.
If we look at all the shark attack deaths since records started in Aus only 15 have been women. And, apparently, none have been transgender... if you want to be statistically safe maybe it's time to get the chop before you get the chomp.

It would be fair to say that there are a lot more people in the water nowadays and also in more remote locations. Add to this at all times of the year. We just need to make sure the sharks don't get a taste for this.

yeh Carpet man, as interesting as they are , stats are just part of the picture...youre safer if you get ya nuts chopped thats an hypothesis for you ! ....I wont be putting my hand up to test that one,,,,,ill degrees a bit here, a mate gave me a load of Viagra the other day, I looked at it, and thought 'Nah', and chucked it down the dunny......Bloody toilet seat wouldnt go down for a week after that !

indo-dreaming wrote:I guess it depends on where you live and surf to the true risk, if you live in an area where there has been quite a few attacks and you surf everyday or a few times a week and you surf before and after work (early morning and late evening) then your chance are obviously much much much higher than some person that wades up to their chest one or two times during summer for half an hour on a Gold Coast beach in the middle of the day.
I wonder if we could crunch the figures to find out the true risk, for example taking into account number of attacks, then a rough idea of how many people get in the water around Australia everyday and for how long, then from how much time we ourselves spend in the water a year, then taking into account local risk.
Yeah that's probably true to a degree ID. Surfing SW WA regularly, there's no doubt it's changed my mind set from years ago, when it wast even a thought in the back of your mind.........

Reports that beaches have been closed from Lennox to Ballina today because of a couple of large dark outlines in the water. At the same time, someone's posted a grainy photo on Facebook of a large fin taken this morning at Kings, down here in SA. They're coming to get us!

Correct. Cops and boats cleared the lineup after sightings between Boulders and Lennox.
Just after I got out of the water there. Hectic.

Yeah, sizey one.

What a good way to clear the crowd … at the travellers.

Norchook I lived in Perth for 30 years and am a life time member of the Two Rocks Board Riders and regularly surfed the spot and Lancelin.
My profession whilst living in WA was a concrete contractor having my own business meant I could check the web,pull a few days off head down south surf daily then pig out at my mums house at night but after a few encounters with the bitty ones at places like lefties and the womb my enjoyment levels whilst surfing certainly went down .
after Brad Smith lost his life surfing there, my wife asked me not to surf there anymore which was extremely hard to do seeing as i had surfed there since i was a grom .
so after much deliberation we decided to pull up stumps and move to Rote Island Indonesia and set up a business called Villa Santai to accommodate surfers, fisherman and people who just need a break from the fast lane for a while.
my wife and I still come back to WA for 2 months a year Jan and Feb to catch up with friends and the family and if the conditions are right I still go surfing but I am always looking over my shoulder and never surf alone anymore such is life

Pretty fortunate for you there dean m. I ived in the sw from mid 90's till a couple of years ago, surfed that stretch alot many times alone after work or onshore days.never thought of sharks and like many crew put brads attack as bad luck,a one off. Now back were I grew up on tweed coast,the hype at the moment around ballina does give you a sketchy feeling...maybe im just getting older and think of it more.

Dean M
or Dream M......

Another attack at Evans Head this morning by the sounds of it.


Nope. It happened while filming at Hastings Point last weekend.

You sure they were at Hastings? I thought they were at Fingal.

I'm moving on to the 50 year old mark and in my 20 s you would hear about a chomp or two and maybe a fatal every year or so.
Lots of US are getting bit now more than ever.
Off doing a little bit of boating and rec fishing and I tell you all that over the last 30 years that the white shark numbers has increase big time.
Over in SA the Sharks love visiting your boat and eating the anchor rope, chomping the prop and eyeing you off in ya small boat.
As they say, " got to get a bigger boat" hahaha.
We deal with tuna pens and cage feeding the big fuckers!
Overfishing by the pros can not help us at all and until we can control the numbers of big ones again things are going to get very bad for the next gen of young surfers.
I got back into the sport of surfing after 30 years off playing footy and cricket and after all the attacks that is happening I'm going to look into a shark deterrent device for my boards.I can afford the cash for stuff like that but I feel for the young ones that can not dish out the big $$$ for all that type off shit.They do cost too much for the everyday surfer dude to buy.
One for the BATH TUB GREENIES. Change the laws and shoot only the nasties that menace and chomp on ya bits.
You bath tub greenies , come for a swim with me in OUR waters and then tell me about the poor old whites. That's the White shark and not the whites in your eyes!!!
U.S. Surfers need to take control of our sport.not some pol lie or bath tub greenies.

Best wishes and speedy recoveries to those affected. Hucky what are you suggesting we kill all great whites because you don't feel safe in the water, you play in the kitchen sometimes you get burnt, I'm just an ordinary older surfer dude too, but your solution is no solution.

I agree with ya hucky..people still knock off the odd white but its getting harder to do without blabbermouths.
Its also hard to get any decent convo with the greenies about killing because they wont even let you kill a mouse.the debate gets hijacked and instead of some common sense in culling numbers people think its eradicating entirely.
Why cant they remove the trouble makers?saw a ch7 news chopper just hovering over a ge at ballina within 20metres of shore..surely that one coulda been taken out?
Funny how west aus went through a trouble period now nsw is. Whens sa's turn?

Could be sooner than you think Barley, I just started a thread with info about the Victor Harbor fish cage in the Wax On Forum

Yeah lets get snipers in the ch7 news chopper barley ha ha, maybe machine guns in the lifeguard towers for a start.

hucky sorry mate.. its a bit rich slagging off so called bath time greenies for having the temerity to express their viewpoint about your surfing region, yet you yourself state you have been out of the water for 30 years? whats the difference?

I'm moving on to the 50 year old mark and in my 20 s you would hear about a chomp or two and maybe a fatal every year or so.
Lots of US are getting bit now more than ever.
Off doing a little bit of boating and rec fishing and I tell you all that over the last 30 years that the white shark numbers has increase big time.
Over in SA the Sharks love visiting your boat and eating the anchor rope, chomping the prop and eyeing you off in ya small boat.
As they say, " got to get a bigger boat" hahaha.
We deal with tuna pens and cage feeding the big fuckers!
Overfishing by the pros can not help us at all and until we can control the numbers of big ones again things are going to get very bad for the next gen of young surfers.
I got back into the sport of surfing after 30 years off playing footy and cricket and after all the attacks that is happening I'm going to look into a shark deterrent device for my boards.I can afford the cash for stuff like that but I feel for the young ones that can not dish out the big $$$ for all that type off shit.They do cost too much for the everyday surfer dude to buy.
One for the BATH TUB GREENIES. Change the laws and shoot only the nasties that menace and chomp on ya bits.
You bath tub greenies , come for a swim with me in OUR waters and then tell me about the poor old whites. That's the White shark and not the whites in your eyes!!!
U.S. Surfers need to take control of our sport.not some pol lie or bath tub greenies.

Out of the w/e surfing game for 30 years but still in the water and doing other sports. Yes ,I have lived a rich life and the 10 years in my younger days on the board and what prob Bonza?
Have you seen an arm ripped off. I tell you it fu-ken shocking thanks! Non surfing but I never wish to deal with shit like that on our beaches!!!
Try not to save your arm of leg but I will try to help the young one getting into the sport not lose there Lims.
Bathtub greenies will never have any real view of the world.
"I am a first aided , what is your name buddy". All you surfers should learn a little bit of first aid too.Could help your self or others out when trouble or shit happens.
I have always said to fu-k off the nastie one that Go for the bite only.1000 max world wide.100 odd in Oz.
Not every shark in the water like the Fining of the 100,000,000 plus sharks every year.
Sorry but I am not into the screwing up ecosystems, thanks.
Ha bro. I'm as green as you fellas, "haha" but just real in what needs to be done and take some control of what is "out of control". To many whites today. Getting smarter than us "bait people".
Save ya sharkie poo and ya mate can shit them self. Joke man!
P.s. Sorry about the double fourm comment befor.. Typo.typo.

Taxi your one of the nuts i speak of.All realism is dismissed in this debate via green agression. Like it or not the facts are humans have affected the food chain.
The ecosystem is outta balance.
You cant fish all other species and leave the apex predator untouched (unless you can increase breeding in orcas). Logic has to rule.aren't humans part of nature too?

hey hucky , your last post at 9.02, you on the sauce tonight? have read your words twice and can't make sense of any of it. Want to translate for me.
hey barley, another gem from you and on a saturday night no less.

Another thing, scientists dont research whites in their 'natural habitats'. Sure they might dive in a cage with them..or in a boat where they have been trained to be passive or well fed.
You dont see the scientists have a random shark rock up to their boat and randomly explore. I think thats a big mistruth out there

Gday floyd, yeah mate been at the footy..good day..most of this forums have all been argued before but this one needs to end up somewhere for the greater benefit of us all on here.

Anyhow, hoping Kane ? gets better fast . Best of good luck In your rehab.
We need to talk about this type of thing when it happens and not shit on each other.
Interesting ! Source anyhow . Haha.
Ive never worried much about sharks, but fuck does it just seem like it or in the last few years have we seen a lot more attacks?