Double ender.

It'd look pretty far out seeing someone racing down the line with a deck grip on the nose of their board!
Crazy idea. Not crazy dumb, just crazy out there. I remember an ad in a US mag from many years ago (late 80s? early 90s?) advertising modular parts for a surfboard tail. The basic outline was rounded pin but you could click plastic pieces in to make it a rounded square.
That idea didn't fly and I don't expect this one will either. Still, I'll give him a nod o' the head for trying something new.

The New Inventors : interchangeable surfboard.

'Didn't fly and I don't expect this one will either' ... presumably you mean didn't sell because obviously this board will work.
So, it's just about popularity and money is it Stu?

Roy Stuart wrote:'Didn't fly and I don't expect this one will either' ... presumably you mean didn't sell because obviously this board will work. So, it's just about popularity and money is it Stu?
Well if you choose to advertise and mass produce it, then yes, it is about popularity and money.

stunet wrote:
Roy Stuart wrote:'Didn't fly and I don't expect this one will either' ... presumably you mean didn't sell because obviously this board will work. So, it's just about popularity and money is it Stu?
Well if you choose to advertise and mass produce it, then yes, it is about popularity and money.
... thus the actual behaviour of the board isn't worth dicussing? It all seems a bit tired and cynical to me.... plus saying that it won't take off is contributing to a negative result in the marketplace, but no doubt it's hard to resist exerting one's bit of infuence in that respect.
If we followed the line of reasoning which you are taking then only boards which were designed in response to marketplace predictions would exist.... or perhaps as Bob McTavish wanted back in the 80s/90s when embarking on mass production... only a handful of shapers (the world's best) would be required and surfing would benefit as everyone would be able to ride the best boards in the world. Only about half a dozen shapers needed he thought, and he was one of them.

Am I speaking to Angry Roy or Friendly Roy today?
Seems like it's Angry Roy so I just might let it slide. Not worth wasting the energy.

Suggesting that my post has an emotional content is just a way of avoiding the need to answer the actual content.... it's an easy cop-out.
I have a mind and I use it... my post is just an honest analysis, if it makes you uncomfortable or it is too difficult to answer then so be it.... but it looks like a slide into PC mealy mouthed editor status to me. Plenty of those types around, there's no shortage of them. I thought that you were a bit more of a penetrating commentator than that. My mistake though, no one is perfect.

stunet wrote:It'd look pretty far out seeing someone racing down the line with a deck grip on the nose of their board!
Crazy idea. Not crazy dumb, just crazy out there. I remember an ad in a US mag from many years ago (late 80s? early 90s?) advertising modular parts for a surfboard tail. The basic outline was rounded pin but you could click plastic pieces in to make it a rounded square.
That idea didn't fly and I don't expect this one will either. Still, I'll give him a nod o' the head for trying something new.
I remember that add Stu mid seventies Surfer or surfing mag was a swallow tail that you could interchange to turn into a rounded pin,diamond,square etc. by sliding the piece into the swallow.Solid rubber block I believe.

Might be this one?
...and the modern iteration:

"Give him a nod of the head for trying something new"
Such an honour, a nod from on high.

"Give him a nod of the head for trying something new"
Such an honour, a nod from on high.

fraser-gordon wrote:stunet wrote:It'd look pretty far out seeing someone racing down the line with a deck grip on the nose of their board!
Crazy idea. Not crazy dumb, just crazy out there. I remember an ad in a US mag from many years ago (late 80s? early 90s?) advertising modular parts for a surfboard tail. The basic outline was rounded pin but you could click plastic pieces in to make it a rounded square.
That idea didn't fly and I don't expect this one will either. Still, I'll give him a nod o' the head for trying something new.
I remember that add Stu mid seventies Surfer or surfing mag was a swallow tail that you could interchange to turn into a rounded pin,diamond,square etc. by sliding the piece into the swallow.Solid rubber block I believe.
Hardly the same thing.
Always wondered how if tho would work.
BTW. I have nothing to do with this shaper, i don't even know where he is located, it just popped up and thought would be interesting to share from a design perspective.