reverse snake???

Let'em have one or two.... When the next set appears, just exclaim "anyone else wanna paddle inside me???!!!"
Then take the wave and fuck them all......
Don't kook the take off...... ;)

My opinion you had the inside on take-off so your wave, you didn't snake him so all good.

Well you see... After a lifetime surfing in pineapple land, I ended up surfing the obscure stretch of beach and reefs between North Coolum and Peregian, even on bigger days.... I'd rather get that one decent wave by myself than sit at Ti tree with 200 mung beans.....
But sure enough, "they" followed.... As the degenerates at the Coolum comp' bank started asking "where's the dawg"... I've seen him walking through the "2nd cutting" "....My "secret" coffee rock and sand bank combo was inundated with my wonderful "friends"... I didn't mind when just Noel, fergo, Mark the pool guy, or Fraser the long boarder rocked up..... But it got ridiculous....
So I said fuck this, I'm outa here.......
Apparently, you can't get a park there now.......
I hope mark the pool guy is ok.... When i left, he had been diagnosed with a stage 4 melanoma.... Fuckn ripped too.......

Its a hard one.
On one hand he is deepest and is next in line as long as its done while the wave is approaching id just let him go because i know I'm next in line and next waves mine, different matter if he moves position when no wave is coming, he obviously loses his spot.
On the flip side i see you point, maybe technically speaking your right, but etiquette wise i think your wrong.

To be honest Hastoes, if I'm position, on the inside and it's my turn , then I don't care where you're sitting, the next wave's mine. Even a wide one if I can get it.
If someone sitting on the shoulder sneaks the inside of the priority surfer that is a CLASSIC snake.
Forget your reverse snake. I think that's a recently new term ie since your first post, and it's not going to get much traction.

Yo Hastoes,
Maybe you should get the council to put up a sign " No reverse snaking when the guy from that house over there is sitting in prime takeoff position". Should do the trick.

Sounds like he un-prioritised himself.. Then again my local is bondi so dont listen to anything i say :P

Better check with Brutus mate, he might of been "Globally Respected", if so, it his every time..........

Comes down to how long that fella was "sitting way too deep, around 3 to 4 metres away from my position"?
If he has 'just' paddled out past, around or inside of you then I'd burn the fecker ;) If he was sitting there for a while (before you) then I'd say it's his wave and let him have it.
Surfing is self focused. I think there is just a lack of awareness and courtesy in some lineups, but that comes down to personalities in the line-up at the time. Some days are great, everyone is aware who's been catching what, other days are just a freaking nightmare...
There will always be another 'Gem' wave ;)

What I tend to is paddle for the wave as well and just before they get to their feet grab the legrope of the greedy dickhead.Don't pull hard if you don't have to as you can control them,just hold them up a little and you can cause them to go over with the lip.When they paddle back you comment"geez sorry mate your leggy got caught around the nose of my board".It will make you feel better,try it.

Well if someone paddles from my inside to my outside, then I go, figuring they've given up their inside position. Never thought it was wrong to do that either. If someone paddles from my outside to my inside, I generally go too, unless there is another takeoff spot further inside where I am that I have either not wanted to use, or have not been good enough to make. That's fair isn't it?

I disagree wesley.
Say I'm waiting for a set, and have been a while, deepest. Then the wave comes, looks like it's going to break a bit wide, hence I have to paddle wider and possibly past/around someone who might be in the exact spot I need to get to to take off and not get caught behind the section.
The person that was second in line would see this all happening (guy in line paddling, but adjusting his position in the lineup to ge the wave) and hence let them take it. To just go because the guy paddled from inside to outside is pretty poor form.
There's different situations where if the guy has paddled too far off the peak, then you should take it deeper off them, but each situation is pretty clear out in the water and should be judged on its merits.

haha fair call Craig but.......
The reverse snake is the snake that sheds it skin and that's for real;)

Hey welly....sorry for carrying on like a two bob watch...just like to apolagise.

Awesome norchuck.

norchock wrote:Hey welly....sorry for carrying on like a two bob watch...just like to apolagise.
Don't think welly will acept it, wrong spelling

morris wrote:norchock wrote:Hey welly....sorry for carrying on like a two bob watch...just like to apolagise.
Don't think welly will acept it, wrong spelling
Hey im a brickie i didnt do reel well at school :)

Craig wrote:I disagree wesley.
Say I'm waiting for a set, and have been a while, deepest. Then the wave comes, looks like it's going to break a bit wide, hence I have to paddle wider and possibly past/around someone who might be in the exact spot I need to get to to take off and not get caught behind the section.
The person that was second in line would see this all happening (guy in line paddling, but adjusting his position in the lineup to ge the wave) and hence let them take it. To just go because the guy paddled from inside to outside is pretty poor form.
There's different situations where if the guy has paddled too far off the peak, then you should take it deeper off them, but each situation is pretty clear out in the water and should be judged on its merits.
Yeah well fair enough when you put it like that.
But does it go to the second half of my comment? Where if I can't make it further inside then I don't sit there cause it is not fair on the guys who can make it from a deeper spot? So if somebody paddles back to your outside to make a wave, but you can make it from the spot they've left, then that's your good luck?
Mind you, it's not like this thing happens to me very often, I very rarely surf with more than a handful of blokes and I reckon I'm very polite and respectful in the water.

Ah, in your second situation, then nah I'd go.

norchock wrote:morris wrote:norchock wrote:Hey welly....sorry for carrying on like a two bob watch...just like to apolagise.
Don't think welly will acept it, wrong spelling
Hey im a brickie i didnt do reel well at school :)
And i did worse, brickies labourer for quite some time.

NorChuck my uncle who surfs and follows this site was not happy at all.
As well as his best friend... he doesn't surf but loves my uncle and me...
Cheers for the apologies but I'm sure your own Kiwi bro's, who yourself know, would hate to read your past racist NZ shit;)
Lets move on eh bro....
Just apologise to my Uncle and his mates tho, he s pretty upset champ.
I could try and make a deal between you and uncle........

Yeah those kiwi mates must wear theres on the inside eh...;)

C'mon Welly. Tell your uncles a bit of soap will get that off:)
As an aside, do they sew their own patches or do they get their mums to do it?

Nephews.. Zen..

I knew a couple of Kiwi cray fishermen, named George, and Joe, who lived in Port Mac. I met them when I was about 18, 19. George and Joe. They were the nicest guys you could meet. They struck up a friendship with my mate Vince Ryan, Marty's brother, a really open, friendly guy, and then that by aquaintance, included me. For some reason, the dozen or so Port Mac locals, led by a kneeboarder, Kev (Kev Crouch), decided one drunken night to boot us out of town. Admittedly all their girlfriends had fallen in love with me. We had no idea of any of this, as we just thought maybe George and Joe were beating the shit out of all of them in the pub, because they had mouthed off at them. Anyway they all apologised to us profusely, and we lived happily ever after.
One night we also saw why George and Joe were celebrities in Mount Gambier too. They were actually awesome guys, as long as you were to them, that is, no hint of snaking them. There wasn't any internet back then though. They were real awesome, not shy at all.
Speaking about surfing, snaking, and so on, reminds me of once, when poor Punk took Vince and me to Torquay hotel, for his big business meeting with Claw, and team Ripcurl. Poor Punk... oh the joy. Entertaining drive back to Adelaide.

a simple polite conversation with the bloke would be a start. Its a hard one to judge with out seeing the incident and only getting one side of the story. If it was just the 1 wave its not worth the worry. Living "across the road" don't win you any points unless its your shout for the post-surf coffee and cake! He pulled off and you were in the the pocket of the "Gem wave" and your still having a sook! As we all know some times a drop-in can crumble a section and block you out. Is this what happened?? Usually a floater can get you over the crumble. its not a bad thing it just means you get 1 less turn in. Just relax. just because he is getting worked up, it doesn't mean you have too.
If it happens often then have a chat and make a 2 way compromise. if you cant make a fair arrangement for both sides then just do your own thing. if he acts a dick people will see him for what he is and wont give him a go.
If its your turn, its your turn so you go. if your in the wrong spot, then YOUR in the wrong spot so you leave it for the person that's sitting in the right spot, re-adjust position and get the next set wave.

A few things that haven't been discussed yet:
This is a beachie Hastoes is talking about here, so I reckon that paddling over to someone else's peak to nick a set wave is a bit rich, especially if you paddle around and in front of them,
Hastoes you might have looked like a tea-bagger, which to me justifies his actions. Nobody likes a tea-bagger when the set of the day approaches. I do the same trick old mate did all the time out in the surf when I see a set coming and the fella in the spot hasn't made any effort to position themself and take a proper look at it. Too many times you see a good one go by because everybody expects someone to go but they don't have that incentive to make the decision to go.
I'm all for a reasonable amount of hastling, if a set comes and i'm second-in line for it i often start to paddle for it and watch to see what the person inside is doing. 50% of the time they see how much of a fuss your making and let you take it, the other 50% of the time you want them to go for it so it's not wasted, so i will hoot them into it if they are head down and paddling. As an added bonus of the effort i go to, the lineup is clear once the set wave is taken and you can have a crack at the next wave of the set.
Last thing to mention on your scenario, if old mate managed to paddle around you and catch the set on the other side of you, chances are that you could have paddled further out, and straight into that same sweet spot and blocked his path to get the wave which would have been a fair balance of his tactic vs yours.
That's the rules I work by and I reckon its fair enough.

nothing wrong with shouting a random into a wave. YES BLOKE GO GO GO MATE!!

^^ Too right!

yeah agree Blackdog, can change the whole mood of a session especially if you have the feeling of being unwelcome haha.
to me being called into a set wave is just as much a gesture of encouragement as it is an assessment of your commitment and place in the lineup.
I remember as a teenager I started surfing a dredgy reef far NNSW, i'd been out there a few times but this one day it was bigger than i'd surfed it before and suitably more horrifying. Anyway I can still remember the regular and long-time local Jay called me onto a wave which I was in the spot for and hesitated in the lip as I was paddling for it, and in fear of death I quickly pulled up the reigns as it bottomed out, and proceeded to cop a faceful of spray.
I remember he was boiling up and yelled out- "if ya not going to go, then get the fuck out of here and surf somewhere else"
Stuck with me ever since but its a good piece of advice haha
The waves were a little straight out the front of my home break this morning , a little frustrating. But now and then a few gems would sneak through. Similar situations to this have arisen in the past, and it has always left a feeling to me that I've been cheated out of that "gem" wave.
Another surfer was sitting way too deep, around 3 to 4 metres away from my position, when a good looking set wave was approaching. I sat and held my position which was the prime take off spot. I watched as this guy paddled inside and around me and proceeded to paddle for the wave. By this stage I'm thinking, no way you cheeky bugger.
We both got on the wave, i was behind him in the pocket and he was out the front. He pulled off and shouted something like "this aint the gold coast", to which i replied " i know mate , I live across the road".
I feel he was in the wrong, and he seems to think I was.
Whats the go?
I reckon he gave up his position by paddling to my inside, and was being a pushy greedy wave pig. He obviously thinks because he started in the priority position, that he had the right to paddle around me, and have the wave .
What do you guys think??
if Im wrong It'd be good to know.