Buying the perfect surf property OUTSIDE Aus!

Philllipines has the same sort of ownership dramas as Indo I beleive,Tonga has no foreign ownership or very difficult to do , Fiji would be my choice
Why buy real estate O.S. /lease...bail easily if need be .

Maybe look at Kiribati .

Unless you have your own private jet , then Marshalls are out . As that's way more than 11 hours commute .

Blowin wrote:Maybe look at Kiribati .
Should be able to nab some cheap land before it disappears
Vanuatu is selling citizenships atm

Pffft another real estate mogul wanting to purchase land displacing locals from an area that was once affordable to them. What ever happened to surfing and surfers.

What's the land ownership law like in Peru? Anyone know?
It appears Derrick Hynde owns or leased land in Peru or Chile in Blue Horizon.

udo wrote:Philllipines has the same sort of ownership dramas as Indo I beleive,Tonga has no foreign ownership or very difficult to do , Fiji would be my choice
Why buy real estate O.S. /lease...bail easily if need be .
True i use to buy a magazine called Asian-Pacific Tropical homes, and it had all the options to acquire property in SE Asia ad the Pacific and most places in SE Asia and Pacific area have similar laws in regard to land/property ownership to Indo, some better some worse.

Just go on holidays and don't buy anything. That way if a tsunami, earthquake, bird flu, or some big black
man wants your arse you can bail.

Agree with winkie. Just go on holiday. Once you have skin in the game a lot of the fun disappears. Being involved in local village politics can be horrendous if you are not culturally and linguistically switched on. Even then, small town syndrome sinks in... even in paradise.
Just rent places for a few months or a year - it's cheap and easy enough to organise. Then you still have no worries and total freedom to move. Most Westerners don't like living out in the boondocks as much as they think they will. There are plenty of grumpy old bastards living out their days smoking GG's in fishing villages right across Indo who surf no more than they would living in Adelaide.

Depend what you want out of it?, for me having a place in Indo works well because although i love surfing its not everything and i also just enjoy doing other stuff like getting in the garden and building stuff, so when I'm at my place I'm doing all kinds of things, when I'm on holidays sometimes i feel a bit frustrated in down time, i see some cool big chunks of driftwood and wish i could grab it and make a cool table or something but its not realistic when I'm staying at a losmen, but when I'm at my place i can do whatever i want, I also hate dragging everything around with me, so I have all kinds of stuff stashed at my house, like boards and fishing gear and even local style boats..
The biggest thing you need to ensure if you looking at getting a place in a remote area is you need good connections, when you not there anything can happen to your place, people can break in or steal anything including as crazy as it sounds even dismantle and steal timber etc from your house or even there may be a storm that may damage your house, but if you have good relationships with the local people generally they will watch over your place.
Another idea and good way to have your cake and eat it too, is to develop a good relationship with a local family, where you throw in money and help them out to renovate or build, in exchange for a bit of your own space/place, while your there your like part of the family and can do what you want, while your away you can leave your things there, boards, clothes, fishing gear, snorkelling gear etc but don't have to worry about security or maintenance of your place etc.
I have a deal like this in a separate area of Indo to my house, i even have a boat and it works out perfect and its rewarding to have like a second family i help, but I never did plan it, it just kind of fell in place over a long period of time…so i guess it would be hard to just jump into this kind of deal, although i have heard of guys doing it with families that have losmens at Nias.

Hi all,
Tricky one here,
I have grown up initially holidaying, then surfing, then exploring through indonesia, i'd say i have an intermediate knowledge of the immediate islands east of bali, I love the place (bali just for a crash pad before setting off).
I am fortuate enough to be in the position to be able to invest in land, a villa, or some sort of realestate in a dream location somewhere in the world, although, Indo, for me is too much of a risk, (land ownerships etc)
I want some suggestions, so next time im planning a surf trip, i'll give indo the flick and do a trip elsewhere and explore options with the idea of buying something in the future.
Must be cheap to maintain.
Must be warm year round
Decent enough waves.
Within 10hr flight
Relative stability and safety.
Immidiate thoughts are places like
-marshall islands
- tonga
i dont know where to start
If you had the chance where would you invest?