I keep pulling out of waves

Sounds like you're leaning back, a lot of things in surfing are counterintuitive. Lean forward and commit, the lean more onto the inside rail but slide back foot down through a drop to level out board, prevent a nose dive.
Sounds like you haven't built up confidence yet which will take a while in early stage learning.
Sometimes it will take a few waves to get confident even for into/advanced surfers on a new board type of thing.

Committing 100% is the best way to progress. Who knows, you might just surprise yourself.

Take tha drop!!!!

You sure do . Sharks are less likely to eat you whilst riding the wave than loitering around beyond the break


what Groundswell said - practice in small waves that you feel really comfortable in, paddle hard, give it an extra stroke when you think you've caught the wave and lean into the wave when you take off, rather than standing up straight, crouch down with your weight (initially) over your front foot. work on that and then slowly work your way into waves that are more challenging ie: steeper & bigger. have fun!

Yeah yocal is onto it..... Also, alot of beginners lay too far back on the board.... If the nose of your board is sticking up out of the water, you are too far back.... You want the nose of the board JUST on the waterline or above, and as you paddle faster, it'll slightly lift up....
And don't let the wave hunt you......You hunt the wave...

I keep pulling into waves .

Unless you are under 12 years old I dare say surfing may not be the activity for you. Try something else or go back to what you were doing before surfing became trendy. You will be much happier. But if you must: don't surf any "surfspots", stay away from pointbreaks and reefs and any where there are other surfers with more skill than yourself. Go to a long stretch of beach with nobody around you. Paddle for everything that comes your way. Don't wear a legrope. Stay out for at least 2 hours. Do this EVERY day. Repeat repeat repeat for years and years and years.

i dont think u r really real thazl.i think somebody likes to make up kooky scenarios and watch every1 give abuse or advice..every week there's some surfer asking how to?and now thazl!if you're really scared to take a small wave i dont think u'd have the guts to get on a surfing website annunciating it!u would hide ur fear sweep it under the rugg and pretend ur brave like what i do!matrix conspiracy theory folks

Thazl might need a floatation vest to come up from those long hold downs quicker & that will help the confidence on those drops

ok thazl,just had to check on ya.good on u m8!keep on surfing n u will be safe as there are many older surfers that will be the first to help if u ever have any troubles.beautiful waves are in your future and remember one day you will be charging while i'll be out there pulling back.the future is yours and take it easy and enjoy urself son

All picking on a 13 yo..... Hope ya proud of yaselves...... ;p

Was waiting for that comment from you Sheepio.
Poor little wee Fuzal, he'll be alright character building to say the least.
He's got some great tips here.
"enjoy urself son" ;)

falling of is some of the best advice i could have got how to wipe out correctly is almost just as important as how to stand correctly, the more you go over the falls and learn how to deal with it the more you learn to be in the wright place or popping up earlier and standing as the falls come over,
its easy to say just go for it but really it dose not matter the outcome it well make you better

Sorry grommat

Take a few good drops on a boogie board, at least u should be able to get comfortable with that. The standing up bit can be tricky. Watch Lord Slater. He paddles, arches his back, hands on rails and glides for a bit then jumps to his feet. A short board will compress the time you need to stand up, a mini mal or longer board will let u glide in (hopefully) for a longer time to set your self up. Unless u r learning to surf at Teahupoo!

Even in small surf, I keep sitting back on my board instead of catching the wave. I think I am scared of wiping out but I shouldn't be as it is only small surf. I really need to find a way of combatting this.