High volume boards

What kinda waves are you looking to surf?

6'10" Webber Afterburner
6'10"Simon Anderson Mollusc Robo


Check out the Firewire Addvance


I'm 6'0, 100kgs and a reasonably competent surfer getting in the water around 5 times per week (surf permitting), and I'm currently riding the following boards:
- 6'1 x 21 x 2 3/4 quad with full shape. Estimate around 41 litres.
- 6'5 x 20 3/4 x 2 3/4 thuster with narrower shape. Estimate around 43 litres.
Both have full rails. I find both of these float me fine and I have no trouble catching waves on them. I have a shorter 5'7 x 22 1/8 board around 39 liters that feels too small sometimes. I imagine with your extra height you might need a little more length than me.. maybe 6'8-6'10 depending on your fitness.
Best thing I did was talk to an experienced shaper, let him know what waves I wanted to surf and took his advice. I'm slightly embarrassed to show people what I ride due to the thickness, but I get a bunch of waves and that is what counts. As a heavier bloke, I'm also a bit hard on the deck so I steer clear of shop boards and go for customs with extra glass.

Nice work, "average".... As a bigger bloke, I like a bigger "v8", too lol.... Lets the midgets have their little mazdas and hyundais.... Good old 351 xy gt or a hx 308 for us, mate lol....
What size surf do you use the 6'5 in?


Try and borrow a EPS for a test ride before you shell out any $....Firewire do this I think ? ?

floyd wrote:where you surf and whether its a 2mm or a 5/4/3/mm wettie also relevant here .... what you surf in during winter sheepy a 5mm and how long can you last before the digits all numb up?
4/3..... gloves.... hood..... Sometimes booties... Hate booties........ Fuckn hate them..... 40 minutes at best before there's no feeling in my feet.... I've always been an all rounder guy, floyd, with a gun that gets pulled out once every 3 years lol.... Haven't got a gun anymore.... Too old and fucked lol.... just got an all rounder 6'5 swallow... 6'5 x 19 x 2 1/2 semi rolled, softish rails, single to double concave but not rad..... It works great in anything from chunky 3 foot to 8 foot..... As i said, too old and unfit at the mo' for 8 foot plus... I think those days are beyond me to be honest.... I'd need 3 months living on the beach surfing every day for that........... And who gives a fuck when it's 2 foot and you're over 40.....


udo wrote:6'10" Webber Afterburner
6'10"Simon Anderson Mollusc Robo
Yeah UDO;) on to it brother.
I've got a 6' 8" Mollusc Robo and have surfed waves from 2ft (Shoulder height ) -6ft. had it fro 2 years. Great brd. I was around 100kgs and it helped then.
A good fatty re-hab brd, haha. Not really liking the nose know after riding a 5' 10" fatty roundy nose....?
Getty a 6' 4" 20' 1/2" by 3"?????????? Entity by Gary McNeill , getting glassed at the mo, just in time, yeeeewww.
Psychedelic plus, looking forward to this board.
The 3" thick didn't feel like 3" thick.
Paddle power;)

If youre a big fella I think it pays to use a shaper who is also a big fella....a lot of shapers cant seem to hide the foam in a boards they make for 100kg guys and you can end up with a big wide boaty looking thing
Simon A puts the right amount of foam in the right places but you still get a nice looking surf board with a nice outline.
Did anyone see those pig things Poto used to ride ?

Webster surfboards will make one of the worlds best high volume boards . Based in ballina .check his website . He loves shaping big thick boards

kbomb wrote:Spot on Floyd, my board is 46 litres. I probably will be speaking again with the shaper but its always good to get advice or think about other options.
Thanks average, I defiantly have learnt the hard way about needing extra glass on the deck from previous boards! If I was quicker to my feet I think I could get away with the volumes you ride but its not to be. I currently ride foam and have thought about going to eps for more bouncy, any thoughts on this?

Get the thickness over 3" - 3.5 " that will add some literage

Off topic Caml, the heavily tattooed guy charges aye.

Udo tattoos yeah lotsa them this week & last night around ere .

tall timber, im over 6'5 and triple figure in kilos if ive got me 4/3 on. obvious way to go if the waves are a bit fluffy is epoxy. stretch fletcher bat tail quad 6'10 floats like the queen mary and can manage a turn. Agree with a poster about simon ando, try a 6'6 facedancer epoxy if you have some waves with power. firewires for the deck strength and float too, unibrow or the like. i think Murray bourton knows how to shape for a big fella too, happy with a 6 ounce deck and some customised volume in the past from him. id like to see an over 90 kg clydesdale division in the pros, some decent fuckn turns, pancho etc

"over 90kg Clydesdale division"--------GOLD !

"over 90kg Clydesdale division"... Yeah... Luv it too lol.... You might be onto to something...... Bantam weight, Middle weight, heavy weight etc..... hehehe.... Might have a micro grommet win the world champion bantam weight division :p

I just traded my 8ft fun board for a Trigger bros 5'10 Scurvy Dog
5'10 22 1/2 2 5/8 39.2 ltrs
hoping it's not to big (a lot say 5'6 -5'8) as I was needing something to turned a lot more.

MR has a new model called the Lone Ranger beefed up version of his Bushranger.

VICLB, should have gone and chatted to Bean at Balin about the Broad Bean for, ahem, healthy surfers.

Geoff McCoy has some stock boards for the 100kg guy in his Byron factory/ showroom . He's always happy to do a custom order too. 02 66853227

Just remember you want to enjoy surfing not go sailing so strike McCoy off the list.

Tried the 510 out last night in a Melb bay wave 1 foot slop thing went great.
Intermediate surfer around 100 KGS looking for advice on a board with a lot of volume for my weight. Any suggestions on boards off the rack? I want to keep it around the 6'10 range, I am 6'5.