Contest waiting periods

"I mean there is an epic swell coming and the WSL are just going to stay longer..."
They're not going to get anything epic though. In fact, the comp will have to run in conditions much the same as what we've seen the whole waiting period.
Personally I think they should just get what they get then move on. Pro surfing is a business but organisers underestimate the social contract at their own peril. When they start exploiting the goodwill of locals there'll be repercussions.

I think they should move it to Lennox;)

Or Brazil. Rio's been pumping.

I can't believe Ulu's isnt a stop.

That's enough now A C B, we like it like that.

sypkan wrote:That's enough now A C B, we like it like that.
You and the 400 donkeys who are out there everyday?
Not saying your a donkey btw...
Just the majority of surfers out there

Now look what you've done, burgsurfer's away with ridiculous suggestions already.
Sage advice for yourself there stubenet regarding social contracts.

Now look what you've done, burgsurfer's away with ridiculous suggestions already.
Sage advice for yourself there stubenet regarding social contracts.

Obviously it is time for the Gold coast locals to implement a Kickstart program to raise enough funds to outbid the asp or whoever they are now for those dates, call it a global expression session no-tow zone.:-)

I saw Kieron Perrow on Wide World of Sport yesterday morning discussing extending the waiting period. He mentioned / thanked just above everyone in the free world apart from the local surfers.
Maybe he should extend the period for another week and then ask the local surfers to respect the need of the pro surfers to get uncrowded practice time.
I think KP needs to remember without consumers buying sponsors product, sponsors will review their spend. While the pro surfing fraternity on the GC may think they run the show, the wider surfing community has the ability to stand up and be heard, social media is a very tool if used correctly.

sypkan wrote:Sage advice for yourself there stubenet regarding social contracts.

It's just nice to have the option goofyfoot. And its also nice when the surfing empire hasn't been around for a while. The isolated places it has made it to gain little more than another layer of corruption.

I guess its good….but I've kind of lost interest on the comp and I'm off course a surfer, so imagine the general public…hopefully i will notice or get tipped off its back on again, otherwise i will most likely just see the results..and maybe watch slaters and John Johns heat reviews.
Do you think that contest waiting periods are a good or bad thing? And do you think the organisers should be able to pay some more money to extend them?