Secret spots

NTT.small island We used to go there in our sailing cat . extremely fickle needs lots of West in the swell wrapping right tube on one side shorter left on the other hard to get to unless you've got your own boat. Actually the other secret is a monumental left off a smaller island to the south . you'll always be alone here but it's got a lot of power. Nowadays because the girl won't play sailing adventure anymore i surf another secret spot (NOT)Noosa. :)

Okay burgs, here goes.
It's a secret if if you and ya mate come round it will end in tears.

Hey Burgs i think i know its at the north end of...............................................................shhhhhhhh

it's a slabby, wedging, peaky, barrelling a frame beach, reef, point break that is longer than chica-whatever and it's a left with a backdoor but could be described as a right with a side door and veranda. it's just south of that place that is to the north of the southerly point. it works best when there are lobster pots out, but not too many.

Now youve done it

You're dying to tell us Burgsurfer. Might as well spit it out mate.

As Greenhills is over a 3k walk from Wanda carpark, any further north you'd be at Boat Harbour. Ohhh ... right. ;)
burgsurfer wrote:... even in a highly populated area like Cronulla.... Heck on a decent offshore winter morning go to green hills and walk north until you have a peak to yourself :)

chook wrote:it's a slabby, wedging, peaky, barrelling a frame beach, reef, point break that is longer than chica-whatever and it's a left with a backdoor but could be described as a right with a side door and veranda. it's just south of that place that is to the north of the southerly point. it works best when there are lobster pots out, but not too many.
hahaha that's about as much as I would ever give away too.

Zoom out on that map and it shows "Green Hills Cronulla" way up towards Boat Harbour so I thought you we secretly indicating the Reefs which are rarely crowded and "semi-secret" in a way.
Greenhills Estate, and now defunct "Wanda" carpark, start near the Bend and end near 2K. Greenhills the surfspot has naught to do with Breen and Auslands silly and misleading name choices.
burgsurfer wrote:Sorry mate, I mean the beachies between Wanda and Boat Harbour and was referring to Greenhills the suburb, so the far end of Wanda - per the map.....,+...(off+Captain+Cook+Dr.),+Cronulla+NSW+2230,+Australia/@-34.0346012,151.1736804,17.93z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x6b12b7e0cf606805:0x8089b93be451af96?hl=en-au
Everyone knows boat harbour is only good for a dive, a nice day with wife and kids and making tracks with your ute!!

This thread didn't work out the way you expected, give us a bit more info, I'm taking notes

Is it worth it Shauno.

Never know, might pass through one day

I do know of a sneaky little wave, i used to surf on the surf coast, i wonder if there are people on to it. People go there to surf another wave it's right in front of them but they can't see it as they check the known wave, can't see how it could be going unsurfed, but miracles happen

shaun wrote:I do know of a sneaky little wave, i used to surf on the surf coast, i wonder if there are people on to it. People go there to surf another wave it's right in front of them but they can't see it as they check the known wave, can't see how it could be going unsurfed, but miracles happen
I reckon it's still there Shaun.
There is plenty on that coast that hides in plain sight

Yeah, but this one s within a km. of Winki, not much chance.

shaun wrote:Yeah, but this one s within a km. of Winki, not much chance.
Jan juc?

No secrets at Jan juc, I'd pm but you can't any more and there might be some one from swell net surfs it

Chocolate something with a tad of marshmallow wrapped in foil around something that is delicate with a little piece of Australian all around it, very long and has size which quirts taste buds into the realm of the unknown.

Seems the more time goes on the less quality ones are the only secrets left. Harder to reach too.

Burgsurfer hates crowds so he's going to keep dropping hints till the last quiet wave on his new stretch of coast gets overrun with people.
Keep narrowing it down .......

Yeah some can't help themselves and then wonder why.

Between those who think they are mysterious giving little hint's, mobile phones and social media. Secret spots are becoming less of a secret. These kooks who seem more intent on letting people know where the banks are good on Facebook getting to semi secret spots then call their mates "get down here its pumping" are going to fuck up every stretch of coast within a few hours of a populated city.
Surf by yourself and don't tell any cunt when you scored waves in lesser known areas and their will still be plenty of secret spots left.

Wharfrat 7 times hey ?

How many times for me burgs? I'm a kook, just trying to work out where I sit:-))

burgsurfer wrote:I am not a kook... Trust me, I probably surf 7 times better than you in fact.
Probably or in fact?
Can you say "I am not a kook." while doing a Richard Nixon impersonation?

burgsurfer wrote:22.37 times ;-) Shaun
Hmmm, so would that make wharfy over 3 times better than me?

shaun said: shaun said: shaun said:

B-surfer are u a booger also ? probably not with burg as your first name tho . Its just that your joke sounds like a joke from a booger who gets hundreds of tubes at their secret ledge

A greAt wave 3 hrs west of WANAKA , 3-4 hr walk thru dinosaur country
Left hander 250m long into a river mouth
Good luck
Called Acid bat yeeeew

Yes, it most certainly is!!!

burgsurfer wrote:Wharfy not sure if your comment is aimed at me but I am not a kook... Trust me, I probably surf 7 times better than you in fact. But that aside, I am not calling crowds, trust me I don't call anyone when I get to a spot that's firing..... I do however see lots of boys doing that,.., I tend to surf by myself and would encourage everyone out there to steer clear of crowds and find a break that doesn't get surfed much. They are out there.,...No one will find this spot unless they know about it or come and live down my way. For the last year there has been no surf able wave there just waves breaking against rocks.... Telling people about a spot they will NEVER find is just a bit of fun and hopefully will encourage people to get their own secret spot. Bit hey if you have any semi secret spots suit yourself and take them with you to the grave ;-)
Wasn't directed at you mate. It was more a general observation from what I have seen happening lately they aren't secrets to take to the grave far from it just stops those who don't put in the time and effort from reaping the rewards. The little hints your giving for your stretch of coast I may never visit so wouldn't know if you were being honest or misleading but 7 times hey I don't know how you would measure that mate but best you give yourself a pat on the back.


My profile pic isnt me im a lid rider too . Just got a wig on to hide amongst some real surfers

Im a spy in disguise youve busted me . But i do have a secret spot . Do u want to know about ( them ) ?
What can you tell us about your "secret" spot?
Sure you don't want to give us a link to google maps with an arrow pointing to the prime take off spot. But what are you prepared to say?