I am?
Well yeah why not, guess I am..

Udo's brother.!

Come on Kezza, we want pics of you charging gnarly Indo pits on ya flex tail !!!!

Kerry, come in Kerry, calling Kerry

Kerry could of died Udo..........?

Maybe of embarrassment .
He did comment the other day ( in another thread ),
according to swell nets new stats man anyway .
Udo surely you've tracked him down by now .
Surely Mitchell Ray knows of kerrys excellence .
Ooops I forgot I'm average .....

Fuck southey there you are, why didn't any of you guys remind me to pick up the coffees on the way through, it's you guys that are going to pay, no jovial banter with the boys today just ah,uh?? Even with nicely ironed underpants.
It's a much harder gig than I thought, I think it's going to take a while to earn my stripes, the trip to Adelaide was not as I imagined, I thought you beaut I'm visiting young bens boyhood home and was hoping to have a bit of a scrounge around his old room whist his mom did his washing and get in insight into how the lad ticks, you know maybe get to see a sketch of bennies idea of his fantasy cyclone or the perfect storm, or a blown up picture on the wall of his best low ever.
But no it was not meant to be, I was met at the front driveway and informed that interns were not allowed on the property and were to wait on the nature strip, she was kind hearted enough to shorten the chain on the dogs so I could use the front tap if I needed a drink.
I haven't made it into there offices yet to confirm or deny a portrait of the Queen in Stus corner. Every time I get withn 1 km. I get a text telling me to pick up this or that, I am on my way to Bathurst officeworks at the moment to get paper for the copier, apparently paper bought within 200km of the coast has to much moisture due to the humidity, I learn something new at swell net everyday.

wellymon wrote:Kerry could of died Udo..........?
Thankfully not ... See his post last night

Good to know he is alive:)
Outer Island surfboads.