Mick who?

whaaaat's picture
whaaaat started the topic in Saturday, 12 Oct 2013 at 7:48am
zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Saturday, 12 Oct 2013 at 9:13am

I would have to say that this chap is absolutely, positively spot-on.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Saturday, 12 Oct 2013 at 10:05am

Seems to be rehashing old news though. As we're on the cusp of the ZoSea era, it would have been worth delving into what the new ASP might do to overcome the hurdles of previous decades. Because they're gonna need to completely reinvent things if they're to achieve broadcast audience numbers on par with other mainstream sports.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Saturday, 12 Oct 2013 at 10:20am

Sure, I agree it's rehashing old news but it really is only old news to those that take an interest in surfing.

whaaaat's picture
whaaaat's picture
whaaaat Saturday, 12 Oct 2013 at 11:19am

Knox is the author of 'The Life'. He's uniquely placed as an observer/commentator of the surfing mileu.