~~~~~lakey Peak takes on Nias~~~~~

This one Udo? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEVObPbRBOQ
How're the double-hand stalls?!

Wow, got those stalls nailed, and grab-rail cutties! 10!

Awesome grom stuff for sure, geez the kid can scharlp.
Udo it amazes me, as you never come up with links......? Come on you can't be as bad as Welly on the puter, even I know how to put up links;)
If I find them.....?

What is the origin of the word "scharlp"? It's gotta be one of the best out there. Just the sound of it is good, no imagination needed, even for non surfers. Unlike say downward bottom turn, which describes the action with 3 words yet is still puzzling

You mean Schralp ?!? Right .... Or is scharlp a particularly hectic version ?

Haha funnily enough that was my initial spelling, until I double checked above. So perhaps a minor dialectic moment by welly :O
And me, I meant dyslexic

No its the American saying with a twang in it...! the 'a' is before the 'r'.
IMO opinion Southey has the correct spelling. even at 0100 hours this morning.....?
Both ways when you pronounce it sound similar or even better.
Look, lets get to the nitty gritty of this and ask Stu.
Cause there is no such word, it was talked about to myself from another surfer/snowboarder back in the early 80's and has always stuck in my mind.
Glad you like that word MickVeryGood;)

Do work grom!!
On a side note, hows the amount of forest clearing that is now visable in the background.
10 year old grommy tube hunting at Nias. on Magic Seaweed.......Link someone ?