That old chestnut

It is ultimate troll behaviour to say derogatory shit about persons via a forum on internet

Not really, he makes a Living out of behaving badly in the public arena.
I'd say it's quite good that a number of people call him out for the dickhead he is, he craves the spotlight

You are ok anyway i was trying to guide this thread back onto its original topic watever who cares enjoy this Fri nite

I doubt kobes gives a rats arse about trolls paying him out

Ok sheepdog i will try to change subject sorry

Do worry uplift will be along soon and you'll have no idea what the topic was once he gets going.

back on topic .
Anthony Walsh paddled Luna Tics .
I'm tipping that when at places where Tow surfers have come a gutsa , that even Boogers are taking some risks .
But places like Cyclops rule out everything apart from towing .
Rox has been paddled , Lunatics and that wave that fucked up Dean Bowen on the NSW sth coast .
But really they were just for the sake of doing it . Its not like they are doin' it twice . So at those locales then it clearly shows that boogers pretty much have a place where they could be considered in their own league .
As for the Right , and even Rondogs : yeah Hards had a crack , I wonder if he conceded and has now left it back to Tow guys .. Callum MacCauley would be one to ask .

'Do worry uplift will be along soon and you'll have no idea what the topic was once he gets going.'
You have no idea anyway shhhthawwwnny. Stop grovelling and snivelling to Benson and Stuart, its fucking embarrassing. And udesless, get off your arse, stop spending your whole day, well, life, nutting, and finish sheepy's free shoulder horn like you promised.

Anyway, lets get back on topic.
'Anthony Walsh paddled Luna Tics .
Rox has been paddled , Lunatics and that wave that fucked up Dean Bowen on the NSW sth coast .
As for the Right , and even Rondogs : yeah Hards had a crack .
At blacks, brokeback chicken soufl'e shit his pants.'

I've told you twice now . suplit
The first time was two weeks after Jevans death .... yeah it was beyond my risk / reward measure .
Second time it was , shit - onshore / too big .... Indicators was delightful for a few days though .
And since your still being an Arsehole ...
I'll share this with everyone ..... I spoke to a mate here in VIC who did play Basketball for Aust. at junior level closer to your error , has coached extensively and is still involved at high level . He's a mate of Darryl Pearce , and he asked some SA coaching stalwarts that are still involved .
NO - ONE has ever heard of you .... Your not even a has been , you never were anything . Instead you moved to a small town , to hide ...... You may at some stage surfed ( slightly above average ) , but any respect you may have had is completely dissolved .
I think you should lock yourself in your hall of mirrors , and stay there.... atleast alone in there everyone agrees with you ...
back to topic . how'd you go at flatties , no channel or shoulder to hop on there !!

Nice try, I played with Darryl Pearce. Some of the NBL guys I played with, including Dwayne Nelson, came over to Elliston and did a coaching clinic for the kids I was coaching in town. I also took some of the local guys over to see a game and introduced them to everyone.
I don't know a thing about you, couldn't be bothered. All I know is when after all your blathering, and squawkups, you said you were intimidated by blacks because you were too young. And when i asked you about all your training blathering and squawkups, you said you had a fucked back, and bought a highchair.
Speaking of errors, despite claiming your not needing to explain why you dodged blacks and shat yourself, you told us all, on here earlier, that you went to blacks when you were young, and were intimidated... then went back later and then supposedly the jevan wright story. Did you forget that story? Or is it a sort of hailstones warranty one?

Here's your crap, that you posted here:
'who travels with their Wife ???
to be truthful , the second time was a few weeks after Jevan was taken .... Oct 2000 ?
so it didn't have much to do with the wave .'
Want me to put the first one up too, the one when you said it was because you were too young and intimidated?

Thanks uplift for making boneheads like myself look like sane and reasonable people.
"'who travels with their Wife ???" Be pretty easy for you upstroke, just deflate her and put her in you hand luggage.

travelling is cheap with a minor

cyclops is not just tow . It is very much paddled when under 6 or 8 ft theres some clips on Google & it looks good

Paddled by boogers i mean

Uplift . I've been over there around half a dozen times . It's just that I don't always go past Elliston. Especially when coming from Adelaide side , as you know it's all similar travel times from Pt Augusta , be it Lincoln to Penong stretch . I've only ever travelled the whole coast twice in a single trip .
I didn't lie , I didn't start surfing till late teens , so on my first trip over there . I on purpose didn't go to Elliston , ( I don't trust myself , as usually I take on more than I can chew , for the same reason I didn't bother going to Indo until I knew I was ready to tackle everything it had to offer ) . The proof of that is the long list of injuries I've inflicted on myself pushing myself beyond my limits .
Now tell me how you've never hurt yourself surfing !!!!!
Cyclops .
Didn't Chad Jackson break his back there ?!?
I didn't realise that guys still paddled boogers there . I spose if it's small , yeah . But then it's not really the same wave smaller , probably back down at the level of Rox .

Jeezuz!!! Boys..... BOYS!!!!!!!! Fuckn get a grip of it!!! Settle down or I'll bitch slap the lot of ya'... I wont punch ya.... I only punch men..... ;)
Now, caml..... You seem like a top bloke... But don't go starting a fire (7.51am fri') and then yap off at those who fan the flames. You lit the match, my 2 humped friend :)
Now I could say a good troll is like a pyromaniac... He starts the fire then watches it burn... I could say a really skilled troll not only lights the fire, but then points the finger at others.....
Anyway, I stand by what I said, even if you think I'm a troll..... A - got no time for glorified thugs.... B- couldn't give a wet fart who's fucking who.....
Now, back on topic - Wave riders of all persuasions are some of the most greedy self centred people in the world.... I know... I'm one of them.... When was the last time anyone here was out in the lineup, and said to a bloke who had been getting a dud deal " hey mate, I've had heaps... This one's yours".....
I've done it a few times...... The guy you give the wave to thinks you are the messiah.... "wow, Man! Fuckn thanks!!!!"..... You'll note in the future that guy NEVER snakes you, never drops in on you, and if the shit is going down, backs you up......

back on topic. this 2-3ft left hand reef break, lazydave? without naming any names, was this wave near where say, a 'birdseye' highway might meet say, a flinders highway?? and was this shoulder hopping hero an old big flabby guy, mumbling about how good he used to be when this wave was 2-3ft and how all other pros shit themselves there and that he once challenged lynchy and coley to a one-on-one game of some sport that no one gives 2 fucks about here in Australia, especially surfers. because if it was, it sounds like this jealous old "never-was-but-wished-he-had-have-been" that I know.

back to Koby, the thing I don't get is, well o.k. he loves his brother enough to tattoo his name on his chest, but where is Skeeper? Does he surf, is he alive or dead from all the gangbanging. is Skeeper a Bra Boy? I know about Jai and Sunny Abberton, but I've never seen anything about Skeeper. Can someone fill me in?

Skeeper is the pet name for the Catholic priest, Fr Phillip McCafferty, that Koby shared his cell with. And that very same question was asked on the first night they spent locked up together.

Gator, thanks for the heads-up, it's all making a bit more sense now.
When the whole surf gang thing got going I really bought into it. It seemed a perfect fit for me marrying tough guy gang culture with riding waves. I tried starting a gang around here, "the Panties Boys", but none of my mates wanted in, fucken pussies. Undeterred, I am now a gang of one, "The Panties Boy" I call myself, got my own handshake and everything. Most of the waves round here have been re-named "Mine", and if I could fight, I'd bash anyone who paddled out.

Adam, I'm here to help - just ask my ole mate, Uplift.
For example, I once shot an elephant in Mick's pyjamas. What it was doing there, I'll never know.

the elephant wanted to play with Michaels quandongs

Didn't Skeeper paddle in to that crazy wave at Nias on the other thread?

'When was the last time anyone here was out in the lineup, and said to a bloke who had been getting a dud deal " hey mate, I've had heaps... This one's yours".....
I've done it a few times...... The guy you give the wave to thinks you are the messiah.... "wow, Man! Fuckn thanks!!!!"..... You'll note in the future that guy NEVER snakes you, never drops in on you, and if the shit is going down, backs you up...... '
Can't resist sheepy. And kind of on topic. When camsless's new mate first came to blacks, my niece who was his friend asked me to look after him, as he was a lidder. So I let him crash at my place, and let him use my shed/gym, as a place to stay whenever he wanted. He is a gun lidder, nice enough guy, but with some attitude, and the whole town wanted him gone, as anti booger sentiment was sky high. So, I made it crystal clear he was with me, and any issue with him was with me. So, everyone was 'gunna get me, do real bad shit, heavy arse shit... the group squawk up. Naturally nothing happened. Not long ago, the lidder who I hadn't seen for some time, is now learning to surf, and spent all day trying to drop in.
The same scenario happened with camsless. He rolled up with a couple of young sponno's when anti visitor sentiment was the norm, but I was in the water when he first came out, and he was just a normal guy, easy to surf with, good surfer. So as he was staying in his car, i had him and his girlfriend around, got to know them, even helped set him up with some sponsorship. Same scenario, the whole town wanted him, any visitor gone, so I made it clear again, he's a friend, any problem, see me. Once again, 'I was gunna get farked up, heavy shit was garna go down', the pack squawkup. naturally nothing happened. Except, not long after, camsless made a point of... well...thems the breaks.
Toddy, same, he stayed with me heaps, the knee rehab thing, but he was taking matters into his own hands, up and down the coast, which further panicked the pack squawkup, and, 'real, real bad shit wus gunna happen' to me. Naturally, nothing happened. Not long after, Toddler, myself and Stones Gaul were having a heat at the cliffs with a pack of touros, when toddless decided he needed to work on his surfing so was going to be taking all the waves. The enevitable collision and fracus ensued, tourists were fleeing the area in all directions, and stones tried to adjudicate. Toddler relented and apologised by asking if he could borrow some eggs for lunch, but the fridge was empty as stones was eating them.
The one tooth underground goofyfoot hero was mentioned in another thread. Ditto scenario, except he went too far and fled town with his head looking like a golf ball.
This is the common, cosmic surfee mindset. My advice to lazydave is, enjoy the squawkup, its highly entertaining, and go big.

shit you must be a big heavy over west coast do you scare the boys at sinclair

See, brilliant, expert squawkup... the plenty of distance nuance model! A 10!

Therapy fucklift therapy

Magnificent squawkup! A double twist squawkup, out of range, and hidden! Expert! 10!

squawkinup like an underage Asian whore on steroids

Its official a squawkfest! Three 10s! And, naturally, not a mark on me!

Uplift, I suppose it's what ya' used to..... Having grown up in pineappleville, tourists and blowins are sorta needed economy wise.... There was some heavy shit back at burleigh in the day, and at a couple of heavier reefs on the sunny coast, but that was waaay back when there were actual born and bred locals.... Nowadays, every second "local" is a chippy building houses for more soon to be locals.... Or they own a cafe... or a gym lol..... So the whole blacks vibe is just so foreign to me.... Did cop a few death stares out at yorkes back in the late 80s/early90s...... I thought wtf...... You cunts don't live here cos it's a national fuckn park.... No one lives here....... If ya' drove from Maitland, how can you consider yourself a chi's local??? That's like me driving from Brisbane to Coolum and pushing my weight around....
Fair enough if you live in Stenhouse......

born and bred local west beach or west coast

Hey, hey, hey!
Sir ABF, what the fuck is wrong with West Beach?!

nice beach
lived there for a short time not far from a charger simon holt a chis and blax maniac

Are the feral cats still at west beach... Back in the late 80s, I'd take my dog there and she'd chase them for hours. They'd always duck into the rocks just before she'd nail them..... She loved it....

Yeah, those cats were pretty thick back then.
Did you see that old boy that use to feed them every day, Ray I think, nice bloke, but I still hate cats.
YS you got a figure how many down there...?

uplift wrote:And, naturally, not a mark on me!
At least, no mark anywhere that can be seen in public.
Unless by public we're talking about the one near the jetty or, possibly, the one next to the yacht club.

Those two geeks... haven't seen em for a while... been a lot of pointers around lately.

@mothart I haven't been around West Beach for years so dunno what the feral cat situation is like these days? Surfed a stormy at Henley Jetty a couple summers ago when I was down visiting the oldies! Ah the memories.........

yorkessurfer wrote:@mothart I haven't been around West Beach for years so dunno what the feral cat situation is like these days? Surfed a stormy at Henley Jetty a couple summers ago when I was down visiting the oldies! Ah the memories.........
I grew up across the road from the Henley pool, great area.

Sorry YS, I ment numbers back then, I would have put it at 100+ in that coupla hundred metres.
Back to the topic, in front of those same rocks at the same time (late 80s), I found myself out numbers by lids for the first time. I thought it a significant day at the time, the plague was growing. Tracks and others were fueling the propaganda with stuff like the A-Z of lid abuse, and the world champ at the time was quoted as saying 'the only good thing about them is they don't ding your board when you run over them.' As a grommet I ate it up, believed the BS, wrote on everything 'Burn Toasties' and 'Go Home Lids' and what ever else. I was friends with lids, but it was always a quick way to start argument, or to start hanging shit on each other if the topic was brought up.
Thought I had grown out of that shit, but last year when I was trying to get back in the water after injury, people were suggesting I ride one. I couldn't do it, i body surfed and kneeboarded instead. I respect lids these days especially some of the crazy waves they flipper into, but I didn't want to go there. Maybe I didn't want to see that it isn't as easy as it looks.

The West Beach cats were like outlaws living on borrowed time while the powers that be plotted their demise. Our little group of surfers the WBM's who hung out at Westies were seen in the same light so we had some affinity with the cats.
Yuppies like then Channel 7 sports presenter Bruce Abbernathy who lived across the road from the beach pressured the council to remove the old carpark so we had nowhere to hang out. The new layout meant you couldn't park next to your mates and watch the waves, while Brucey wrangled it so the area in front of his house was a nature strip.
Our little surf culture down there pretty much died out after that however the cats proved harder to remove. It wouldn't surprise me if there's not a few scraggly ancestors of the old cat clan lurking in the rocks down there somewhere?

Used to love skating a drain down there "L" drain it was called.The council even ended up putting coping on it. Surfed West beach only once gnarly trying to get back in over the rip rap.

Ahh west beach circa 89...... Used to work on Marion road..... Jump in the car at lunch, park at west beach munchin' on a sanga.... And mind surf the little wavelets...... Then back to work.....

Looks like West Beach needs it own thread! At the time ASL labeled it Australia's stupidest or most ridiculous surf break.
YS- that's how I remember it going down. Changing the car park fucked it all... Thanks Bruce. Passing the pipe (this is SA) from car to car was the glue that held that group together. No real surprise when you call yourselves the 'West Beach Mullers'.
FG- loved 'the Drain','L-Drain' or 'Slushi', went there every night after school 88-89 after checking the surf... As that didn't take too long. It was cool the up grade the council did, but I sorta liked it more before, the raw grind on the sharp concrete edge, the climbing the barbed wire fence, getting there at 3:40 and knowing the council worker would come flying in at 3:55 and chase us out... 20 seconds to jump the fence and get up to the river track where the aid of a skateboard and a smooth hill made for a clean get away while giving the smart arse finger. It became a game for both of us.
SD- 'wavelets', that is a pretty good description.

@moth-I'm actually ok with taking over lazydave's thread. It sounds like he's used to such behaviour from stand-ups? Haha just jokes lazydave;)
You really had to be stoned to surf those winter stormy's down at Westies. But having a local meeting point for the areas surfers had its uses. So many weekend surf trips were plotted from the West Beach carpark in the days before mobile phones.
Meeting down there after school or work on a Friday night was a ritual. Petrol was cheap in the 80's and sleep wasn't necessary when your a teenager. You could drive all night and arrive on a Saturday morning hundreds of kilometres west of Adelaide at some isolated pumping surf break.
So many of those old crew ended up moving out west and some hardcore surfers cut their teeth at Westies. It couldn't have been Westies crappy waves that made those guys charge so hard? It had to be the culture. Once that culture was destroyed I don't think West Beach ever produced the same calibre of surfer again?

nice words yorks

Ah...those were the days, driving hundreds of kays, cause some squiggly lines on a map of Australia looked ok.
No offense ben & Craig, but I wish surf forecasting didn't exist. Surfing lost some of its romance when everybody knows exactly what is going on.
The unknown is gone, and that was half the fun.
Gee, not even 40 and already an old grump, talking about 'the good old days'.
G'day all,
Thought I'd relay a story and see what other folks in the surfing community think about something I experience from time to time in the water.
To paint a picture, I'm 42 and ride a bodyboard. Always have. Since I was 12. I grew up bodyboarding on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria. I learnt early on to respect other wave riders in the water and use good wave ettiquette.
I've bodyboarded a fair chunk of the Australian coastline, as well as Spain, Portugal, France, Ireland, Scotland, Indo, Samoa, Maldives, USA etc etc. I can hold my own in most conditions.
I was out on Tuesday morning at a wave I've been surfing for 24 years. The waves were an inconsistent 2-3 foot. It was clean and for most of the session there were just two other blokes out. I was going left as this particular wave is predominantly a hollow left hander.
Towards the end of the session as the tide started to run out another surfer joined the line up. He was sitting out on the shoulder of the left hander and dropped in on me on his first wave, which although annoyed I let go.
On the next set wave I was more assertive and called early that I was going left. Regardless, the bloke continues to paddle for the wave, shuts down the wave and I have to quickly pull out of a section that would have otherwise pitched me into the reef.
The bloke then has a go at me for snaking and riding a bodyboard. Apparently we're all kooks. He'd caught maybe two in between set waves from out on the shoulder since I last caught a wave and I simply used my knowledge of the wave and conditions to pick the best of the set waves coming through from the actual take off spot.
I've found over the years that the most incompetent surfers tend to be the quickest to have a crack at bodyboarders for the apparent ease of riding a bodyboard. It's frustrating and although it's improved over the years I've been bodyboarding, there is still a small undercurrent of ignorance.
From my perspective, I love great surfing of any kind - just watched the J-Bay ASP event from start to finish. But I can't stand f-wits in the line up that are ignorant and even at 2-3 foot are surfing waves that are way beyond their level of competence and posing a risk to themselves and others in the water.
Keen to get a sense from the swellnet surfing community what they think about bodyboarders and this sort of stuff in the water. Could be I'm missing something!