Wavejets - deemed formally as personal watercraft and subject to marine safety regulations

Good find Floyd. Loved this line in the article: "The WaveJet website urges riders to refrain from using their speed advantage to cut off others in the surf."
So exactly what are they using their speed advantage for?
Hope other states follow suit.

Well thats good news, hopefully i wont be seeing these at my local beach anytime soon.

Ha ha will have to check it out, i learnt to surf there as a grommet after school a lot of the time alone i even have hours of video my old man took of me there, have never surfed it since but have been tempted to take a fish or mal out there for the nostalgic factor.
Which vid? there is a whole heap there.

As soon as you typed 'Wavejet' Google's online hounds were onto the scent. It's insidious but at the same time it's a good illustration of how targeted advertising works (and fails). You were criticising the product in question and it has no understanding of that context.
They see a word typed and assume you want to buy. Modern life...

Good luck with the laws, Shaun.

I live on a remote coast stu, there are no laws.

Heres a guy (Ronnie) i used to surf with in the 90's and late eighties, he was onto the first prototype wave jet, not sure if they are the same as these ones in this thread.
He also was into kitesurfing 10 years before most and surfed chopes on a kite surfer etc.
He knows what hes doing.
Not many others will though. He surf voodoo and 4th 5th left on his jet, when no ones out of coarse.
From today's Age newspaper.
Wavejets are distributed in Australia by Pride Mobility
Perhaps great devices for disabled surfers in controlled (safe) conditions but surely sanity has prevailed with Transport Safety Victoria's ruling. Riders must wear a lifejacket and carry a buoyant waterproof torch and a small radio beacon.
Mmmm, if only the same rules applied to SUPs.