Drop-in excuses

At my local point, twice in a row from a mal rider, "I was first to my feet".

This might have been a pre-emptive drop in quip, but whilst sitting on a peak that was 100% a left, a newbie paddles up the inside to the head of the peak to which the guy in pole position says, 'Goin right hey?'
Got a red face out of the newbie and a few chuckles from the lineup.
No doubt a burning was imminent if he didn't wait his turn, which he bashfully did.

I watched a mate take off on the wave of the day and he was sitting in the pit and another guy just turns around and burns him. He finished the wave and kicked out next to me with a stupid grin on his face, I asked him how and why he could do it, he just said it was such a perfect wave and he got so excited he just had to go. I was speechless, so I just left it up to my mate to dish it up to him. There were only 4 of us out.

Best one I ever got, was after being overseas for a couple years, some bloke dropped in on me at what had been my home break for 20 odd years.
We both rode the wave all the way thru, when I asked him what his story was, he told me to "fuck off cos he was a local".
ah, gotta love the Goldie, there's a new "local" every week. Deal with it.
In hinsight, it was priceless, and well worth the drop in.
Alternatively, I dropped in on Foxy out the Rock one time and he speared me in the leg with his board, which was fair enough cos you shouldn't drop in on Foxy at Bird Rock. He reckoned it was an accident, but I reckoned the drop in was an accident too. 7 stitches in the back of my leg. We are good mates and have known each other a long time.

Heard a few good ones from my mates over the years....
Thought you were going right, thought you were going left, thought you were going straight
Sorry didn't see you - had some seaweed in my eye
Sorry man - sun was in my eyes
Have to go in and pickup the kids
Where did you come from?

A couple of star drop ins from the deep dark past.
Michael Petterson, early morning before semi-final day at Bells, said in what I have to describe as a very genuine voice. " Sorry man I just needed a good warm up wave." A circumstance I decided that did justify the drop in.
Shaun Tomson, on his 50th wave of the day at Off The Wall and my first, in a deep Seth Efrican accent . " It was my wave really!" Credibility? Zero, but Merkel was on the beach so I suppose he thought that made every wave his.

A French beginner dropped in on me but he was so slow by the time I was on my feet he was still lifting with his arms.
I gave him a two handed push into the water. I felt good about that exchange but today I got burnt bad by a smart ass 16ish old.
I got him back twice and dropped in on his mate as well but found myself too occupied with revenge than enjoying my surf. Paddling close to them and focused on giving him a lesson.
It would nice if everyone showed respect but it's not realistic.

I got burnt by an Israeli guy in Sri Lanka and as he paddled up the point he says to me, 'My friend, my friend, I have to say sorry but also thank you. That was the best wave of my life'.
His voice didn't sound very sorry, so I just backhanded some water in his face and said fuck you.
I guess if a 3ft crumbly wave is the best wave of your life, good for you, but go fuck yourself anyway - and you're not doing much PR for your country either.

Bushido - That's classic you did the retaliation thing, It's so hard not to engage!

Yeah Rouby it's super immature, I have too much pride and not enough perspective but fark why be the douche to begin with?
And what do you think is going to happen afterwards? What I'm just meant to pretend it didn't happen.
Some people are delusional thinking they're some Kelly Slater wannabe and I should be in awe or some shit.

Shark Island one perfect 4ft day a pro booger who always surfed a nearby beachie hardly ever island, i had surfed here for 15 years or more, drops in on me in the pit with him with a original style pre go pro fish eye cam attached to his board. I said why you dropping in like that? you're never here? he said "you can see what im trying to do" ???? yeah pretend you surf island to Riptide and booooooogie board magazine readers.
New board $940 epoxy luckily. Bit thin for me and very small board, late takeoff but make it and a mal with no idea keeps paddling even though ive already made the drop and driving at full speed and try to ollie over his board somehow my leash is tangled with his and i completely stop at the bottom. a few dives/waves later, my boards got a few dings he says "im knew, i need to get better i know" its not your skills that are important its having a clue about people around you. I dont give a shit if you go straight all day if you're dropping in without looking around and are ruining other peoples boards go fucking play golf or scrabble.
Another guy at speedies, only 3-4ft by myself. Unreal day, waiting long 20 mins for a set this guy just paddles straight out paddles way outside the ledge as though theres a reef out there or something anyway i wait ages for a good one and he doesnt even recognize that im there in the first place and drops straight in, unreal. Tries to speak spanish to me as though he was good??? not brazzo something else maybe Peruvian. unreal.Spend $600 a week to go to g-land but they should surf medewi or kuta for a few weeks (years)first.

How about this one...waiting for the wider sets tends to keep me mostly free from hassle at my local..but I managed to attract another punter who was obviously a tad jealous of my timing and patience...he proceeded to not only drop in on me but do his shit moves right in my zone...time and time again I alerted him to the fact that I was there...when I asked what his story was he looked at me with great suprise as if I had just appeared out of the blue and said "shouldn't you be in the kitchen making dinner or something?"...nice..

Yep, all of the above plus ....
A mal rider yelling out to me from the shoulder "I'm on" inference being pull out cause I'm going anyway.
Being yelled at to go left, inference being I will be going right and dropping in on you.
But the worse was when I was on a trip with a bunch of guys two of which were keeping a competitive tally of the surfs and waves had. The competition between these two was such that they thought is was acceptable to routinely drop in or snake other guys on the trip. Words were had and dinner was pretty quite some nights, real fuck wits, but the thing about these two that I will remember is the way they squealed and protested when one of the guys got his SUP out and extracted some sweat revenge. As I said real fuck wits, they squealed like babies.
Apart from "sorry mate I didn't see you" what are the lamest excuses you have come across when someone drops in on you?
I surfed mid week. This one guy firstly bails in front of me sending his board inches from my head, then later he paddles underneath and across me as I was about to launch onto a set wave and then finally he drops in on me. I didn't say a thing all along thinking this guy is just a total dickhead. Later when I paddled past while ignoring him he attempts to befriend me by trying to explain that the wave was peaky and you needed to be on the right peak i.e. I dropped-in on you because you were on the wrong peak.
I just shook my head and paddled past thinking some people have no fucking idea.