New Sticker Day

How's this for a fail.
I ditched my old car earlier this year and cashed it in for scrap and bought a new second hander.
Before bidding it farewell I got a razor and took the parking sticker off the windscreen and applied it to my new one.
For about two months I parked in permit zones unaware (until a friend pointed out) that I had actually transferred the expired sticker form the year before instead of the current one! Luckily I missed getting fined.
I have to say though that it's a joke that you have to pay to park further north than Freshy as it's all more suburban and the beach should be free to access for everyone. Coming from SA I couldn't believe the places you have to pay to access/park, it's a joke!

My Warringah sticker makes surfing Manly a nightmare. Backstreet parks are very hard to find when it's four feet nor'east!
(which means parking's been relatively easy over the last three weeks).
Still, I get waaay more beaches for my sticker than you Craig (and any other Manly residents). That can't be a bad thing.
Warning! Warning! Warning! Sunday is new sticker day for most councils. Your friendly local rangers are sure to be out there booking anyone with a 12-13 instead of a 13-14!