Springtime East coast flatness

Last year I remember Sept / Oct were unseasonably good here in Nth NSW. Some clean (albeit small) long period south swell, really nice days on the beachies.......after the end of winter I'm hoping history repeats.

Sorry Redsands, forgot to get back to this.
Well I've gotta say that last winter (if you want to call it that) was one of the worst I've seen since being here early 2009.
And there's nothing to get excited for in the longer term either at this stage.
We usually see the surf/swell swing in patterns with pumping Vicco and SA while we receive nothing, and then vice versa with us receiving endless east or south swells while the southern states miss out.
Looks like at least another two weeks of marginal stuff but hopefully something after that (but by that time we are heading deep into Spring which is generally a relatively inactive period)....

I tend to think of October to December as the off season. Time to hit the gym, the pool and the soft sand but that is usually after a lot more waves than we have had this winter. I have already been hitting the gym for a month!

I'll happily take more of the same Spring time action I scored today!!! :)

Sorry Redsands, nothing major on the horizon still, the poor run continues..

And btw, spring ain't sooooo bad, the cold fronts can still be strong and have still pumped out a few swells for the east coast

Oh and one last thing...did last night's pulse (as seen on the Byron directional spectra) come in as expected, or was it a bit of a surprise?? Any non swellnet takers too?

Oh and one last thing...did last night's pulse (as seen on the Byron directional spectra) come in as expected, or was it a bit of a surprise?? Any non swellnet takers too?
By: "mitchvg"
Craig and I were discussing this earlier today. It slightly exceeded my expectations but not by much.
I have my theories on these particular fetches but I'm not going to openly discuss them on a public forum.

That'd be the second passing Mitch, and it's very weak, watch out in another few weeks though...
And yeah that S/SE swell was stronger than I anticipated but I was recovering from my brothers wedding on Monday when doing the forecast and a bit time poor so didn't look at the system as closely as I should of.

haha right, well, would've been a good one to test against the new forecast system
We all know October through to December can be pretty lean for the east coast for waves.
I am beginning to wonder whether or not this normal weather pattern has turned up early this year.Any thoughts Swellnet? Hoping we get one good swell before that dreaded period.