Volcom Fiji Pro surf forecasts

Ben, are you keeping a little in your pocket for your Thursday forecast, until the Tasman storm comes to fruition? Based on the GFS model I'd be thinking your 6-8ft+ for Thurs at Cloudbreak is a little under cooked?
I would have thought 8-10ft is more on the money, assuming GFS comes to fruition?

Thanks Ben. Regarding your internal model screen capture.....where's the swell period, and why is the swell direction from the NE?

Is it just my imagination, or is that Low doing something unnatural and slightly degrading to the North Island of NZ?
Out of curiosity, what are the implications for NZ of something like that forming there, in terms of swell and weather conditions?

Anyone got any alternative web addresses to watch the pro? My work has blocked the video footage on the Volcolm website!!!!!

Thanks Ben but my IT department appear to be clever and have blocked the video image on that site also!!! :(
Also, I see from your forecast last night that you've stuck to your 6-8ft+ call, but noted that the models have wound the forecast swell for Thursday down slightly. From what I'm looking at they appear to have wound it back up again in the GFS 18z run!!!

Well as suspected, it looks as though the pros won't be surfing 10-12ft Cloudy on Thursday. Surfline already alluding to Resties being the venue for Thursday:
"THURSDAY 6th: Building and solid
Swell/Surf: Solid, mid period SW swell looking very likely, assuming storm behaves as forecast in the next 24 hours. For Cloudbreak we're looking at surf running 2-3 times++ overhead with larger sets very possible. The swell direction, swell period and even wind would make for good conditions at Restaurants. Stay tuned.
Wind/Weather: Moderate SE trades 10-15kts."
"We'll remain conservative on size, but overall this continues to look very solid on the charts/models with potential for double to triple overhead+++ waves at Cloudbreak. Note at this size and swell period, Cloudbreak will be a little unuly. Restaurants would offer more manageable conditions and high quality surf based on the swell direction, period and local wind conditions (SE trades)."

Cloudy does get into a size range above about 10 ft though where it doesn't really work too well as the bigger set waves start capping on the second reef. You kind of have to sit in copping the wash throughs on the head to catch the smaller inside waves which tend to have a wonk to them anyway.
At that point Restaurants is usally 4-6ft and picture perfect and they've always tended to run there in the past in that size range.

What's the story with Parko's heat? (Round 1, Heat 3) - he didn't register a score. Does that mean he has withdrawn?

What about Slater bud??
3Kelly SlaterUSA + 0.00
1Miguel PupoBRA 7.17 + 4.83 12.00
2Aca LalabalavuFJI 4.67 + 3.83 8.50

According the webcast, Kelly is late getting to Fiji as his bro' is about to become a new dad and Kelly is there to witness it.
Both him and Parko are relegated to round two without even catching a wave.

RE: Parko missing heat
What a joke! This is supposed to be the world's best surfing athletes vying to be world champion. This bloke's title prospects were on a knife's edge as it was let alone forgoing his 1st round heat in 4-6 foot flawless Cloudbreak.......yeah they're living the dream, staying at Namotu, etc ,etc but all that is required is to turn up for your heat. Too spoilt. Most people would chop lefty off to be where he is.
Kelly? Well that's a bit different in my book - family's family

I agree Staitey, how's professional surfing supposed to be taken seriously when one of the top 5 doesn't even show for his heat and is off fishing.
It's equivalent to a footy player having a big night before a game or some other unprofessional act.

Just proves to me that some of these guys don't know how good they have it. Makes an Aussie like me take someone like Adriano De Souza a little bit more seriously given his commitment and dedication to the sport

parko you are a fucking disgrace.

All you guys hating on parko are the disgraces. The guy made a mistake, obviously he was certain they wouldnt run due to a better forecast for later in the waiting period. Yeah he fucked up but maybe you should have a go at the asp system. Hes still just as much in the contest without showing up for his heat. Whats the point of running a full day of competition in which no one even loses? He has no obligation to you armchair critics to compete. He can quit tomorrow if he likes. He wont be in the running for a title this year but so what? Kelly has missed contests he didnt feel like going to by blaming dubious injuries. Mick had years following his wins that seemed like he was just cruising. The point is: I doubt anyone is more dissapointed at Joel missing his heat than himself and really no one else has the right to crook on him. Hope he comes back now and wins a few heats to prove that round 1 is a waste of time.

Parko's missed heat may not be a good thing for the asp but he can do what ever he wants... He's an individual just like everyone else.

Last year's footage of Cloudbreak kinda disproved that theory.
By: "thermalben"
I guess I should have been more specific. Last years footage shows what happens at third reef Cloudbreak when it gets over 15ft or so. There's plenty of all time footage that shows that.
In the 10-12-15ft range it doesn't hit the outside (third) reef and the second reef fucks it up. It rarely works well in that kind of size range, regardless of the winds. There's definitely a window of swell size that Cloudbreak doesn't handle so well.

Professional athletes should act as such, fuck making a mistake as an excuse. Dude should have been there ready to go. Not only did he miss out on surfing great waves but he did himself a great injustice. He will get killed by all the internet haters. Why? For a 20 kilo Spaniard. Hardly seems worth it.

what if sooky sooky medina had gone fishing ? instead of surfing his heat ? 90% of swellnet readers would be shitcanning him.

Whaddya mean "unnatural and slightly degrading", surfstarved?
By: "thermalben"
"unnatural and slightly degrading" = weather that leaves you feeling used and abused. It's a family website Ben, so I was trying to avoid being too explicit.
Basically, with the Low wrapping itself around the top of the North Island like it seemed to be in your previous image, I figured they were in for an almighty rogering - storms, maybe even tornadoes like the one that hit (was it Auckland?) last year.

I still think its no big deal. Hes still in the comp. The way the natural footers went and heitors 19+ total means parko would likely still be in the same position surfing in round 2. Round 1 often runs through a whole day of decent waves in a comp waiting period and barely achieves anything. Perhaps the top seeds should start straight from round three, shrink round 1 to 6 or so 3 man elimination heats for the lower seeds and wild card guys to battle for the right to move forward. Ps I dont know many people that would be given time off work for the birth a nephew/niece......

Ben, just throwing it out there, but could yesterday's swell have been from the more locally generated S/SE swell that was also forecast to be in the water?
I'm thinking not, given the major inconsistency in the swell that I saw, but just throwing it out there as another possible scenario?

My little jack russell (Ninja) is a great fetch, she brings back everything. In the weather world who made up fetch and where does it come from??
Who do you think is gonnna win the Volcom Fiji Pro???
Put your bets down now. ( CJ )
Intense forecasting Ben great work, if your number plate is the same, I will be following you to the surf.
Don could you explain your in depth swell forecast for this comp, wouldn't mind having a look at it??

How were those waves today 'eh?
So much good surfing on offer. John John killed it and how hot is his mum? Smokin'. Cruising with Brian Bielman. Anybody remember Gina Bielman?
Anyhoo, the heat I'm really looking forward to is Kelly and Mitch C. That's going to be a blinder.
Thanks for the updates Ben.
Soooo... anybody remember Brazil?

So true Zen,
Its hard to pick a winner, no wonder No one wanted to bet on someone so early.
Jordy Smith was killing it too, his style suits powerful waves big time.
Gina who?
Had some Brazil nuts today with my beer in between heats.
Go Fiji

Top report on the days results at the volcom pro today. after reading the report on swell net i thought i'd check out the other web site.. and noticed the same report seemingly written by the same journo? why don't the journos get a credit of some sort for each report. Just a thought. Finally , any chance of forecasting in some easterlies over here in WA to go with the swell we're getting. Go Swell Net! Go Parko!

G'Day TS,
It may be that you've read the press release? Press releases will always be noted 'press release' under the title and usually begin with italicised information i.e 'RESTAURANTS, Tavarua/Fiji (Thursday, June 6, 2013)'
Our exclusive coverage is being done by Braithy and is found under the 'Semi Pro Shakedown' heading. His latest one is here: http://www.swellnet.com.au/news/3654-semi-pro-shakedown-sports-mad
"The Spartan's approach to heavy waves is much like his approach to tennis, which goes something like this: stand at the net and smash everything back with extreme prejudice. Unfortunately for Bourez he came up against Wilko on a good hair day and got smoked. Wilko abused the lip like it owed him beer money."

Looks like that new swell for the last few days of the waiting period has been pushed back a notch Ben (ie probably won't be in the water until Tuesday me thinks). Which is not usually a good sign if GFS keeps pushing it back somewhat.
Question is, will the event organisors hold out for the finals on the last day of the waiting period (Wed 12th)?
Rather than keeping all of our forecasting notes internal, I thought it'd be worth documenting the forecasting procedure for the Volcom Fiji Pro. We did our first forecast for the event yesterday and I'll post it up shortly. If you've got any questions, Craig and I are also happy to answer them.