Are surf wave parks the future?

I bet you $1 million that it doesn't go ahead.
I can see into the future.

Agree with above - Didn't something come out recently saying the guys with the capital turned out to be criminal?
As for the heart of your question, "Are surf waves parks the future", no, not in any of our futures at least. Salt water has too much to do with surfing, and it will take years and years for that aspect of the sport, and the lifestyle to fade away. But 80 years from now? Maybe. Assuming the planet is still here.

@crisp: since you can see in the future, could you tell how my wife looks like in 30 years. She recently upped the nagging meds and giving me the shits. If she turns out to look like her mum, I might just get those divorce papers organized.
I agree with evand, but at the same time disagree. No there's no future for wave parks for surfers. But that just might not be the people Kelly and his capital venture friends are aiming at. I reckon they be focusing on those middle aged guys who decide to spice up their lives and combine their yoga retreat holiday package with a "riding the ultimate wave" experience without getting their implanted hair wet. I say there's a great future for surf parks. Let's all pray for surf parks so kooks finally have a place to call their own.

The future of wave pools...
The past...
Every surfer has dreamed of a perfect wave replicated continuously over and over again within a wave pool. Is it going to be the future? If it is the future, it will ease the crowds and change surfing as we know it. If Kelly Slater and some multinational companies get their proposal approved, there will be one on the Gold Coast in the near future.