Fishing trawler washed up at The Patch, Cronulla

Ol mate on the sup might be in for a few fun ones out the back there

any close that can read the name of the vessell ?

Love this line in the SMH story, reporter speaking to a local said: "He said he had never seen a boat of that size so close to the rocks before."
Close to the rocks??
I'd call it docked high and dry.

Mmmmm, at a guess I would say someone was a little sleepy at the helm.
Will make a nice viewing platform for photographers at the next swell.

Indonesian fishing crew aboard. Is that standard practice in these waters?

What, Indo crew or running aground near popular surf reefs ?

Indo crew of course, I hope running aground near popular reefs never becomes standard practice.

It appears to be a ligit Aust Reg fishing vessel by the reg numbers. Looks like it may be a longline vessel. Trawler would have booms, otter boards and nets hanging off it. Not unusual to have Indo crew. May even be Indo owner.

aussie reg vessel 'challenger' with 4 indo crewman. [c/watch]

That thing's really up there high and dry - they must have just driven it straight up on the reef to get it up there.
It's nearly high tide now, although a really small one and its still almost entirely out of the water. Dunno how they're gonna get it off there in a hurry before the weekend.....

I'm a little surprised that with it nearly at the top of the tide they haven't got tow ropes at the ready.

They'd have more luck using helicopters rather than tug boats. That thing is stranded.

Mmmmm maybe, Obviously I'm watching from the cam but when the swell stops she uprights on her keel. With tension on the ropes at least, with the swell, they may see if starts inching or not. At least worth a try. Leave it there and she may get pushed up further.

rising swell and wind overnite ? they should try now.

Agree Victor. Better to have had a go than not. At least keep tension on her to stop her moving further.
IMO, I think she has already moved up further.

with no attempt to move it today - cant believe they have had all day to pump the 4000 ltrs of diesel out of it and havent, why the fuck not ,near perfect conditions to do it.

Well , for years " nulla " locals have loved to travel to Indo .
It seems now that they don't need to go over there to get that very " Indo " experience .
As soon as it happened i was thinking the above . But to find out that it was infact Indo's manning the ship , ( or laughably , abandoning the ship ) .
If it wasn't such a catastrophy it would be laughable .
I bet you a million dollars that system up in queensland makes a Bee line down the coast and smashes Sydney ala GFS model outcome of a couple of days ago .

Even with AI or Bruce nowhere in site, similar to what happened to the Ho Tsai Fa No. 18 in Indo at the Rip Curl Search 2008, If that shipwreck stays thru the impending swell build, what's the chance that maybe someone sets this one alight as well? ;-)

hehe... just like the time I woke up at Bingin and saw the boat washed up at Padang Padang... just grab the fish, strip what you can and set her alight!! Indo style pragmatics!!

Sounds like they had an attempt to get it off this morning without any success.
Beats the shit out of me why they're not doing everything they can to get it moved ASAP. Swell is on the way up and there's only two decent high tides left before shit gets crazy over the weekend...

its free.........luck
A 50ft fishing boat washed up on The Patch in Cronulla overnight and it looks like it's fully wedged in there, well beyond the break.
With the current tidal movements being minimal (0.42m between low and high) and high tide being at 4:35pm this afternoon at 1.1m it looks like the authorities may have a bit of trouble rising the boat off the reef.
Also, with large swells expected later this week we could see this situation deteriorating rapidly. Hopefully the boat is lifted and there's been no damage done to the reef at all or oil/fuel spilt.
Live vision of the wreck can be seen on our Shark Island camera: Shark Island