Go Pro injuries

Sometimes it just about mucking around having fun, playing with a gopro is fun. My kids love playing with my gopro making little movies.

a lot of people like to look at themselves. Especially when doing something they like. I for example like looking at myself when I masturbate, but that's a different story. as for injuries, on the nuts: It's better to rip while mounting a preferred object (for me that's goats) and emptying your nuts than ripping your nuts on a mount. Make sure the camera is on when commencing the rip though.

Well said Mr basha

Id much rather have one of these soloshot.com
IMO those go pros only look any good when they are mounted on head/shoulder/wrist/ or held and the surfer is getting properly barrelled, if not getting barrelled (and deep) the footage even if a good surfer is pretty average and no matter who they are when there mounted on the nose pointing back looking at the surfer, the footage is 99% of time is unwatchable, unless its an attractive female off course. (can we say that kind of stuff these days?)

Indo dreaming - solo shot is a good concept and probably would work most places in Oz, but I'm thinking your camera wouldnt be where you left it if using this system in indo... Also looks like its a bit more bulky to travel with than a go pro

Wow - The solo shot.
Do people who use this device have no friends because they use it, or use it because they have no friends?
@ indo - I agree, unless someone is getting barreled Go pro footage stinks.

Gunna be unpopular here but I don't care about what people post on youtube etc good barrels or shoulder slip slopping just don't name the place okay.
If Swellnet can use discretion when posting those mostly bloody jaw dropping pictures of unreal waves you punters out there can do the same when posting your hero shots. Common sense really .... dogs don't shit in their own kennels so why would you?

I totally agree indo-dreaming, even when Kelly has the Go-pro mounted on him looking forward as he completes turns/cutbacks and airs it looks gammy.
The only time they look good for surfing IMO is in the barrel.

@ Mundies, yeah theft would be the biggest problem, i think where i live generally would ok, yeah have thought about how it would go in Indo, most places going missing pretty quick, one area i go too is generally theft free, but i still think the kids would come along and muck around with it.
@roubydouby, when we were groms we use to take turns filming, surf the film, but it never worked well and camera got f*6ked from water and salt, plus the best waves would always be missed, same thing when get GF/wife to do it.
@Graig, yeah that footage of kelly is exactly what i was thinking of, if he cant make it look good for general surfing not tubes, then no one can.

I think those solo shot thing could be real good if you could keep it secure, or you girl or whatever was there to mind it.
Not just to film your surfing for your ego or whatever but to use as a tool to help you improve your surfing or how you surf a spot, as it films your whole surf session you could see things such as mistakes you may make, like maybe taking the wrong waves or sitting in wrong spots and off course your surfing in general.

Roubydouby - 2 weeks in the mentawais with a captive audience on a boat and possibly local help who appreciate some dollars for work, versus a life in Australia working hard plus fitting surfing in where you can - any room for hanging on the beach for hours getting footage especially if you are of an age where you have rug rats / grommets? I have far more footage of places I've traveled to than my own backyard. The best bit of footage I have from my local is when a good mate fucked his knee and at that stage didnt have kids. I got some footage of my wife and friends when my first girl was happily content in a stroller on the beach & I was essentially a captive audience with free hands, but since she could move around and we had a second grom, taking attention away from kids to film waves is not an option for safety reasons. Until they are bigger I guess.
For this reason POV filming works a treat. You don't have to be dependent on anyone. It definitely has the tendency to look very narcissistic, because it is. Its about you. Everyone's favourite subject is themselves. Even if they are introspective or shy, or even damaged - but they are the ones who wouldnt film or wouldnt publish film of themselves because for them its not about others peoples perspective on themselves or perhaps their social anxiety doesn't allow it..
Indo dreaming - I'm thinking a secondary battery pack to deliver massive electrical stun to would-be thieves; then a back up option of a tear gas canister. Then a back up of a James Bond - style self destruct.
Or perhaps a recognition that those in countries less fortunate than ourselves in terms of economic prosperity cannot be expected to pass up an opportunity for what would be significant wealth, and that we should be sensitive to this by not providing blatant opportunities to steal but by providing meaningful assistance and charity including access to basic essentials like clean water, good food and health care, and ultimately good employment options in what is a growing tourism industry that currently employs a lot of westerners. I acknowledge that currently some positions you wouldn't be able to find Indonesian / Mentawaiian workers but that is where education is a good tool. Most western surfers want a western guide and I have to admit at this stage I'm part of that posse. But perhaps in the future a local Mentawaiian pro recently retired from the WCT might make an excellent guide.

I do agree that being filmed is great for progression of your surfing performance as opposed to the dead end of ego buffing. I recall the first time I saw footage of myself surfing about 15yrs old and I was devastated as my internal perspective was so different from the reality of what I saw on that tape. It kicked me up the bum and made me try harder and I think surf better. If its used in that way then its a positive thing and a type of personal development (better surfing, better insight, increased competence). It can still result in hyper inflated egos but that happens regardless of video footage....

@ mundies - I agree footage of yourself is hard to come by, and is definitely one of the best tools for progressing your surfing.
I think I'd just feel like a tosser rocking up with one at my local.
Surfing out at centreside (Bells) on Sat morning and saw a few kids filming themselves with Go Pros in hardly challenging 2' surf. Firstly what's the point and secondly just wondering if anyone has had any serious injuries with one of these things mounted on the front of their boards (even the mount plates without camera attached look like they could rip your nuts open!)?