Collective Terms

A gaggle of boogers.
A sweep of SUPs.
And while it isn't surf related, a clusterfuck of kids (I've got three under three years old)

A herd of goatboats
A pool of SUP's

An arthroscopy of kneelos

A packet of sponges
A retirement of Goat Boats
An eclipse of SUP's

A society of watermen.

A swarm of boogers.
A siege of SUP's.
A barrel of goatboats.
A coalition of the willing.

A gathering of longboarders.
An accumulation of surfmats.

a toss of jetskiers?

An Effete of hipsters
A Sophistration of SUPs [ core strength, true watermen]
A Vanity of Pros

Here's a guess, surfskis resemble boats and the people that have a propensity to ride them are usually older males, or in the vernacular 'silly old goats'.
Hence the term 'Goat-boat'.
That's my guess.

Ahh! Thanks for that Zen.
So. A defibrillation of goat-boaters??

A fleet of Goatboat's?
A loaf of Booger's?
A pain of Kneelo's
A convoy of SUP's?

A Disdain of SUP's.
A Ridicule of Goatboats.
A Whince of Kneelo's.
An Annoyance of Grommets.
A Mild comtempt of Longboarders.

Saw a goatboat out at a certain ledge one day..Him and a stick...he was gettin all the waves and the stick got sick of him..words were said so the stand-up ended up droppin in on the goat..well, the goat grabbed his oar and wacked the stick fair off his board! after that more words exchanged and somehow the stick has grabbed the oar and piss bolted for shore, leaving goatboat stranded!! dude had to abandon ship and tow the cunt in..him and his goat got wailed by the shorey which is an evil shorey at the best of times...Fuck knows what happened after that but it was funny as fuck! still makes me laugh to this day..s

@barley - great yarn.
@zen - a wince of kneelos? You've hurt me for the last time.
How about ... a fart in the general direction of short boarders?

Ahhh, my good friend whaaaat, allow me to elaborate. I meant wince/whince as in the pain one suffers when forced to remain on ones knees for extended periods of time. My knees aint what they used to be and where I live, I'm forced to spend time on my knees adhering to cultural norms (and not in a sexy way).
When I was a grommet, there used to be this mysterious kneeboarder at my local beachie, used to come out of the hills. Long hair, even longer beard, sinewy strength and mad eyes, charged anything. He'd paddle past us with a bellowing "G'day boys, everything orright, behaving yourselves?" Of course we politely replied in the affirmative and hung back while he verbally sparred with whoever else was conversing with him silently in his mind.
Kneelos, salt of the earth they is but it just looks so damn painful.
How about 'A Fellowship of Kneelos'?
That's nice.

Zen, ever the gentleman. As the good book says, blessed are the cheesemakers. Don't ever worry about offending me, ole chap - I'm insulted every day by people who are good at it.
As for being a kneelo - I've never regretted the decision. A lightbulb moment at Winki in 1978. And the Xmas card from my arthroscopic surgeon every year is nice.

a barrel of kneelos?

A muppet show of goat boaters

yew !

-Pod of Dolphins = Gay shark mardi gra

I was reminded of this thread yesterday when I was at my local rivermouth pushing the kids into waves on their foamys. I dont know if this is just a phenomenon restricted to round here but there has been a massive increase in people that own those plastic kayaks. The waves were only small but when you have 20 kayaks manned by little kids, teenagers and adults, flailing sideways down a 1 foot wave with zero control or idea coming straight at you and your kids it starts to get dangerous. On one wave, my kid was standing up doing really well when a out of control kayak manned by a tiny kid cut across the wave took out her legs, she landed in his kayak before it slammed into another kayak manned by the kids father and brother, they then capsized. No one was hurt and it was smiles all round made even better by the fact that my missus caught the whole thing on video. So my question is what can I call a collective of yaks operated by people with no idea at all, young and old.
Anyone got a collective term for boogers, SUP's and Goat boats? With so many around these days we thought we needed a collective term. Here's our list so far.....
Surfers - a pack
Kneelos - a ward (of cripples)
Boogers - a hankerchief
Goat Boats - ???
SUP's - ???