technical difficulties

theblowin's picture
theblowin started the topic in Sunday, 11 Nov 2012 at 9:50am

G'day people.
Just got the Jordy Smith movie off itunes, watched it once no problems. Now when i try to watch it again it freezes every few seconds then plays, freezes then plays.What the fuck is going on? My usual support crew is unavailable and i figured one of you legends would be able to sort me out. Any help would be appreciated.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Sunday, 11 Nov 2012 at 11:49am

Could be your itunes settings.

Does the sound continue seamlessly? Does the movie play ok on an ipod but not your pc or vice versa?

You could contact apple support tbi. Sorry I can't really offer much in the way of help.

But more importantly, when are you going to put up another story?

I really like your writing.

theblowin's picture
theblowin's picture
theblowin Sunday, 11 Nov 2012 at 4:19pm

Thanks for replying zenagain. The sound does continue seamlessly and i am on a pc.
Glad you enjoy the posts mate. How is life in Japan today ?

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Sunday, 11 Nov 2012 at 8:43pm

All good tbi.

Drove around looking for waves and ended up with a fun head-high sesh at my local reef point. Bit of surface ruffle with a nice mellow crew, all taking turns.

Sitting here having a beer with the cat on my lap, the missus is cooking up a storm and I have tomorrow off.

Can't complain.

theblowin's picture
theblowin's picture
theblowin Sunday, 11 Nov 2012 at 9:12pm

I reckon a day like that with the full compliment of lifes fundamental pleasures would make 99% of the planet green with envy zenagain. Nicely played.