Please can you recommend me some cool surf camp in indonesia ?

Depends what you want?
What do you prefer, rights or lefts? Fun cruisey waves or balls to the wall pits? Size of waves you like surfing? What do you want to spend roughly a day? Would you prefer a smaller place 8 people or less place or larger resort style? Need air con? Are you short boarder,long boarder or body boarder?
Answer a few of those questions and I can give you a few suggestions to check out, as i have a pretty good idea from word of mouth of quality of operations who its run by and been to most areas in indo and also managed/surf guided at maccas resort for a season.

Yes believe those two places are at Bali, Canggu area wouldn't recommend anyone stay at a surf camp in Bali unless your beginner or want to party, waste of money hundreds of places to stay in Bali and easy access to breaks with car and driver.
Fun cruisy lefts in Indo?
Nemberala in Rote is a fun long left for all level of surfers few other waves in the area, there is at least three camps/resorts there don't know to much about them, one just opened think run by brazos another is owned by a surf travel company, forgot what one though.
Sumba and sumbawa is mostly shallow hollow lefts with punch, nungas at lakey peak is cruisy but not worth going there just for that break.
Lombok has plenty of options for budget surfers generally average waves for indo (apart from the obvious) but still fun waves, there is a resort at ekas bay with ok lefts called "Heaven on the planet" otherwise heaps of cheaper style places.
Bali, see above.
Java- Lojis in west java is a cruisy left, but fickle cimaja is a fun cruisy right.
Sumatra- Karang nymbour/ombak bocur is a fun long left and consistent suited to all levels of surfers heaps of budget places there and other waves, search south sumatra or krui on google most places have websites, there was also a topic on this forum not long ago.
Mentawais- Telescopes unless solid is pretty user friendly left, few other waves mostly fun in that area, most are suited to all surfers, apart from icelands when bigger, Awera island camp is good mid range price, Aloita resort is the full proper resort deal.
Further north in playgrounds area there is a few fun lefts, like beng bengs and playgrounds, but the main cruisy wave is a right burger world, two many surf camps in that area to mention, Kandui resort IMO has the best location favoured by mostly Americans, Pitstop hill is another good smaller one, Aussie owned a run by good guys, next door is a new one mentawai surf retreat again Aussies, fun playful rights out front (pitstops) but the area can get crowded.
BTW. I think i gave a list of the camps/resorts in the mentawais in this forum a while back.
Telos has some fun cruisy lefts like churches/misshos(and many many cruisy rights) but all camps/resorts are expensive (two new ones both owned by Aussies opening next season) beautiful area but its not the next mentawais, or maybe it is but the mentawais for cruisers.
Nias-Is more about rights and hinakos not really cruisy
Banyaks- has a fun left in the bay of plenty but you wouldn't really go there just for that, the area is more about the rights there like treasure island.
Simeulue- Has two places third coming next year, mixed bag of waves.
Google any of those names with resort or surf camp and you will find plenty of there websites, there a site called surf resort finder that has most of those areas/resorts i mention with reviews.
Id say check out Rote, mentawais or telos $100+pppn options
and lombok and south sumatra for budget options, from about $25 pppn

Indo-Dreaming, you read like a man who knows his onions. I'm heading to Bali round Xmas...always wanted to have a look round that time of year. I know most of the 'name' eastern spots but not a lot around the keramas stretch...I assume it's not so secret these days...any hot tips? (never only make an ASS outta U & ME)

Sorry I'm not very knowledgeable about Bali its just a transit place for me these days plus wouldn't want to mention any spots that aren't widely known exposed in books or websites, but would expect that stretch of coast is pretty much exposed to the masses these days, i see there is even a resort at Keramas owned by X pro luke egan.
I do have regrets about Keramas though, i got a tip off about a sick secret right on that coast in the 90,s and never went looking for it :(

Hi fouring,
Have you been to indo before? When are you planning on going?
If you havent done a lot of travelling before then LAkey Peak is easy to get to, good cheap accommodations and food, variety of waves etc but its crowded when its good and at the wrong time of year the wind is up through the day.
For an 'intermediate / advances surfer who likes 4-6ft cruisy lefts' throw in a couple of rights and take the cruisy out of some of the waves and there you have it - numerous options with a bit of variey to keep you challenging yourself when you get your groove on. Who wants to go to indo and not get barreled?

desert point you pussy

I wouldn't normally think of Lakey peak area as a mellow area to go to, but i agree with Charles in that its a good first indo kinda spot and at that time of year the waves will most likely be small so not to full, the reefs in that area are also not to sharp compared to many other places, ive never been there that time of year id imagine most days would be good at the peak in the morning then the wind coming up from the west/north west during the day then maybe a glass of at the peak late.

@ mbp, keep it pithy!

This is not a paid ad :) I recently stayed in Bali with Slim from He will get you to whatever waves suit your ability and requirements on a daily basis. In a two week stay I surfed 9 different locations around Bali from Canggu to around to Keramas. He has the place wired and knows when to be where. Away from the rat race, just out of Kuta, good accommodation at a good price. Couldnt recommend it higher. go to to check it out.

Hi crew, slim here from I've been living here in Bali full time for the last 17yrs plus. If you would like some honest answers to your questions I'm happy to give the accurate information. Only too happy to help out, and by the way there are too many waves here in Bali to list, if you know where and when to go you can easily score un crowded perfect waves and with plenty of Balinese Hindu smiles and support.

nasi goreng

Hey guys please check out our webesite luxurysumatra this e-Mail you can contack us might you Will interested visit our surfcamp in south Sumatra Krui ,Lampung Indonesia thanks

I stayed at ^ Luxury Sumatra in 2014 and I can vouch that it is a good camp in front of a good 2-300m left ideal for a fish & shortboard. You are looking at 30+ guys on the wave though, but if you surf dawn then lunch maybe only 10. You also have a very consistent high quality and uncrowded beachie 10 mins away (but I wouldn't stay there) and a couple other lefts and rights within striking distance for fun day trips. Best of all of this place were the guys and girls running it, couldn't ask for better hospitality.

G land as a few waves are still up there with the best. Original surf camp in the world yet still so good. Campcquality changes though. Even room to room and manager to manager.
Even 20 20's is a quality wave if gland is maxed out.
Offshorrs seem more guaranteed at g land as well more than deserts and sumbawa

he wants cruisey left walls. G-land is not for him.

Who does..?FR.
Is "fouring" still looking after 3 years;)
Hope you found something "fouring"

a few years later .......I guess he found the right place.

kinda opaque....!
Quote fouring.

I've been to a surf 'camp' with Stoke travel.
Basically we just went down the coast of France and Spain, and looked for the best surfing spots out there.
I already had some surfing experience, but even beginners could perfectly fit in.. It was an amazing trip, delicious meals were included, the crew was very flexible, young and open minded. Have a look at the website if you want :)


Hey Blowin good reply mate,whatever a dot means.....and as for sandra above, nothing like free advertising eh...send em the bill Ben .
Hey everyone,
So I'm not looking for a charter vessel trip.
I'm looking for a good surf camp for intermediate/advanced surfing ??
Found a lot of camps on the net but they all look the same on pictures.
If anyone could share their experience that would be great
thanks :)