QLD swell drought?

Yeah, but it's fairly standard for this time of the year. Spring ain't usually a good time for QLD surfers, but have faith - the rest of the country will be cursing at you from about December onwards.

Tried to post a photo using the screen thingy above. No dice. Ah, living in the doldrums can be depressing. Imagine living in the Puget Sound, Washington state, and the narrow strait that separates the USA from Canada is only 20 miles wide and 96 miles approximately to the westward facing point on the island I live on(Whidbey) where waves, even wind waves, are as rare as hens teeth. (almost)

I remember those days, lived both the Goldie and Sunny coast, at least the Goldie has south Stradie, D-bah and option to drive south, but Sunny Coast is very sad at this time of year, A-bay at best.
Is there anywhere thats prime time in OZ at this time of year?
Down in Vicco this is also our worst time of year, mostly crappy small swells but, winds often dont swing around to NE-E often still NNW- NW and the banks are normally crappy, washed away by winter swells and concentrates crowd all on one or two banks.
On the plus side, waters warming up, booties are gone and im tempted to swap my 5/3 for 3/2 next surf, also best time of year for fishing down here from now to Xmas.

the gold coast is the arse hole of australia.

Ha ha..yeah a lot of shit goes down there :P
Good place to be when your young and single, especially if your not working, but i reckon you have to know when your times up there, its a place that can burn you up if your not careful, could never live there now.
Would have been paradise before any real development though.

i think people confuse the gold coast with surfers paradise, the gold coast is a magical place, early morning sessions in crystal clear, warm water with a few mates. but true, its been a typical spring, but we are nearly done for another year.

If you forget the crowds and horrible development and only look at the waves I still think it is a true surfers paradise.
Between south straddie and D-bah it has almost everything (apart for lefts) D-bah and straddie, two of the best beaches in oz and consistent, have miles and miles of reasonable beachies, then from burleigh to snapper you have one of the best clusters of quality sand bottom point breaks, Burleigh, Currumbin, Kirra and the super bank, also have options in NE winds at either end of the Goldie.
Possibly the only better stretch of coast IMO in oz is the stretch between the wreck in Byron bay to south wall in Ballina, it's got the pass, broken head, Lennox, boulders and lots of fun beachies and even a few reefs.
Its been a longtime. Got to drive if you wanna survive.