Send all of the unruly ones to Nauru?
I think the issue you are referring to is people trying to "protect their patch" patch being income, passtime or territory.
Nothing new their.

No different to you getting annoyed by people fishing on top of you.

yeah well the word I've got from back home is that ALL mexicans and crow-eaters are gunna be deported back to where they come from.
the goldie boys used to have an open borders policy, but they now recognise the errors of their ways and the pressure such a policy can put on surfspots and the environment.
its just not cool anymore.

"fittest and strongest survive"
what about Strength in numbers?

Tell that to the bait balls.

Give em all guns, let em sort it out between themselves.

Let 'em punch on in the carpark 'til someone begs to stop..or someone else stops it. Thats the way we do it around here.Old skool. Two men enter-one man leaves..moohahaha!
After the last couple days of barrels in south oz i have become aware of localism culture appearing in the photog sector...these guys are bossn each other around,getn pissed off with each other poaching the "shots" or putting them on facebook. sending iphone shots around on the day...all sorts of hassles are surfacing....I'm sure these things are alive and well in other parts of the surfing media at other surfcoasts around the world..
isnt it ironic that the same pecking order similaritys and exposure issues are happening in this group too?!! I think this is a common occurance for any group of people doin any excersise together.
What can be done about it if anything?
any views?