Yep, he crept up without many knowing how good he is. He placed 2nd at last years Pico Alto comp behind Peter Mel. Ben's originally from North Narra and now living on the North Shore (he's married to an American).
Here's a short interview I had with him last year.
There's a couple of vids at the end of the interview.

easy victor dnt blow the joint out.

Shit deleted the old post by mistake, Go Ben!!

love ya style ////pitmove Wilko
in and out of the water

I saw him out Waiamea one day 2 yrs back,
knew who he was and I was impressed.
that's as far as I've come to seeing him in the flesh.
A friend of mine from Santa Cruz has been speaking nothing but great words of the man since seeing him at Mavericks back in around 2007. And he has been updating me with news about Ben Wilkinson and how humble this Aussie guy is that charges hard in a foriegn country and just slips back into work with no attention or want for it.
i have nothing but respect for the man, and all i have ever heard is good words.
humble guy doing his thing. thing is, "his thing" is charging and it's just something i enjoy seeing.

photos of Ben worth a look:

Great interview

Wilko No1 on BWWT

Go big benny
this bloke deserves his own thread, didnt no f,all about him...had a google around..this guy is the real deal.....exactly what australian surfing needs....he doesnt have full sponsership wtf..the mav boys seem to luv him, the honest aussie charger...go benjamin !