surf report

Thanks Oldman, we'll pass on the feedback.

Been down this track with Swellnet myself oldman. The reporter only reports on the Bullies/Chiton/Dump stretch of coast so you have to work out for yourself what Middleton to Goolwa or Waits/Parsons is doing based on that.
Best bet is to look at the Middleton surf cam but you can pretty much safely say that if Chiton is 2-3ft then Middleton is 4-5ft (with 400m paddle) and Waits/Parsons are mainly closing out.

The issue relates to size inconsistencies between reporters (we have a couple of people who cover the Victor region for us, depending on their availability). We're aware of the problems and hope to rectify it ASAP.
For what it's worth, Victor is a difficult coast to report for because of the large daily range in wave heights between Waits, Goolwa, Middleton and Chiton. At most other Australian coasts we typically report the 'biggest' surf size of the region (even if those spots are not surfable). However, in the case of Victor this would mean reporting for Waits, which (1) is only surfable for perhaps 40% of the time, and (2) is impossible to provide a daily 'observed' surf report from anyway (because no-one lives within close proximity).
As such, wave heights at Waits and Parsons is guesstimated from local experience (as has been done for the last thirty-odd years of Victor surf reporting).
However, we can only choose one size in our surf report heading, so which location should it be for? Waits, Goolwa, Middleton or Chiton? My pick is Middleton as it is (unfortunately) the epicentre of South Coast surfing.
Hey Guys
Surf report for south coast (SA) Sunday 2-3 feet.
More like twice that size (early) with a 400 metre paddle.
Be specific if only reporting on breaks closer to Victor.