Favourite excuse for not Paddling out .....

Nah, it's because it was getting spammed and when we delete spam it takes it off the front page. Hopefully the bots stay away!

Excuses? I know my limits these days.. no need to bullshit anyone with excuses!

I'm with you on that one Ben.
Recent macking swell was asked if I'm going out?
I replied 'no'.
He said 'why not?'
I said 'because I'm fucking scared!'.
When the size is pushing above your comfortable limits but is perfect it's hard to come up with an excuse that will stick.
The good ol' "looks a bit closey" could get you onto checking the next "smaller" option but sometimes you just have to go and test yourself.
Stunt can sounds classic! Seen many of those around when it's pumping! Haha