Surfboard Margins

scilliams's picture
scilliams started the topic in Sunday, 5 Feb 2012 at 11:57pm

Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anyone knows how much a board costs to make here in Australia? Or what do the shops pay for wholesale surfboards? I read an interesting article the other day on the margins and now people bringing boards in from China. Personally i think you pay for quality and if you get a cheaper board its likely to perform as such. Anyway would be very interested to know how much your typical boards cost here for wholesale? Anyone know?


shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Sunday, 8 Apr 2012 at 8:58am

Just buy Australian mate and you can't go wrong well most of the time anyways.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 8 Apr 2012 at 10:12am

I would expect there would be bit of a difference between those cheap boards made in china and local made product, i haven't personally seen a good board from china.

I dont think your average local shaper even shop makes that much on boards, unlike clothes and wetsuits and other surfing products.

I even think boards are now under priced as the average price standard PU is about $750 while in the 90's it was about $600 or bit less, while every other cost, labour, materials, electricty, disposal of rubbish(foam etc) etc has gone up heaps.

Ive recently jumped on firewires, okay i know many guys dont like them, cause made in Asia, but im stoked on the technology of the FST models, go like a PU board but last much much longer and less chance of snapping, but it sucks when i look online at what they pay in USA for FW's and see they pay few hundred bucks less. (same old story for us in Australia)