morning of the earth LIVE IN CONCERT

... watched this movie in the 70's at the local picture theatre ...
By: "finback"
I'm not THAT old, but remember as a kid the latest 'surf movie' would come to town and all the local crew would rock up the the local community hall. From the old salts to the grommets, we'd all be hooting at the latest footage from around the world.
Ah, how the romance is lost since the internet came along ...

noticed the morning of the earth movie musical bypassed YAMBA.........home of nat young, baddytreloar and angourie pt..angas and surrounds featured heavily in this flick..... yamba with its bowling club that can comfortably accomodate 500 plus people in its auditorium ...locals up there say that 2+ performances could have easily been full house with it playing in xmas holidays.......byron bay also missed out---maybe on the return journey they have plans to play in these and other country surf towns ? ? ? ????.
Howzit out there,
If you, your wife, girlfriend or mates watched this movie in the 70's at the local picture theatre then check out the east coast road tour of this LIVE MUSIC plus movie. I attended last night in Melbourne and it was a stoke for this grey nomad traveling in the VW Trakka. Back to 28 degrees south of the equator next week to continue to live the dream. Take your kids , grandkids and show them how we use to watch surf movies in the 60's and 70's. Cheers Finback