secret or 'can't be bothered'

egg's picture
egg started the topic in Thursday, 29 Sep 2011 at 11:49am

wondering - about the amount of remote spot's and related 'locals' that claim a place to be awesome and secret VS the amount of people that actually know about it but can't be bothered goin there as almost same waves can be found closer to civilization. wondering if most of the secret talk is myth (dream) in everyone's experience......

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 29 Sep 2011 at 12:49pm

Gotta disagree.

Definitely secrets still out there and plenty of uncrowded gems in you're up for putting in the effort.

That is the key though, effort, and most can't be screwed.

benski's picture
benski's picture
benski Thursday, 29 Sep 2011 at 6:09pm

Yeah I reckon Craig's regular postings of empty, yet pretty close to perfect waves from around Sydney are evidence that he's right. I have a few places I go to get great uncrowded waves when I have the time to make the effort.

I do think egg might have a bit of point but it depends on what you define as awesome. Fact is on all coasts of Oz we have several world class waves close to big cities and towns. There may not be a hidden superbank anywhere in Oz (actually I think there are a couple) but there sure are a few unknown or lesser known dbah quality waves out there. And I reckon even a shoulder high A-frame is pretty close to perfect when every wave is yours cos you are alone.

roubydouby's picture
roubydouby's picture
roubydouby Friday, 30 Sep 2011 at 12:43am

Google Earth definitely helps break down some barriers. Especially in desert locations where human activity from visiting a wave creates tracks without vegetation.
Def helps find a few 'hidden' gems.

But you are right, there are plenty of waves that aren't secret but require a bit more of an effort.

Redhead beach in Newy comes to mind. Hard to access without a 4wd, but only 10-15 minute drive for uncrowded waves, Vs strolling across the road to a busy Merewether...

niggly's picture
niggly's picture
niggly Friday, 30 Sep 2011 at 1:34am

i reckon there's a huge percentage of the cant be bother'd, i know myself [living in sydney] a huge amount of the time i'll choose to the surf the local as apposed to sittin in the car for an hour or two, not proud of it but by the time you get through the traffic i find i've turned into one of those dicks madly paddling for every wave, with the residue of road rage and sydney' itis firmly in place..... different story if youv gotta few days up your sleeve though. ..... still amazes me how many mid week surf's i get with very little crew out ... but i'd rather surf a average wave to me self than a pearler with a suburb sitting on the take off. stay stoked peace

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 30 Sep 2011 at 8:04am

Every decent swell that falls on weekend I try and escape Sydney.

The drive doesn't bother me and I'm used to putting in miles. This combined with the reward of relatively uncrowded and better waves keeps me coming back every time.

Had a left reef with no more than 5-10 people all winter between 4-6ft whenever there was swell, and in one of the most beautiful bush settings ever.. can't beat that!

mozzie's picture
mozzie's picture
mozzie Friday, 30 Sep 2011 at 10:20am

Plenty of spots out there... I'm a South Oz lad however i moved just outside of Newy with my wife and baby girl and was surprised at how many quality waves there were up and down the coast, many times with few crew... Special thanks to Fang & crew for making me feel welcome! Cheers bro, you're welcome in SA anytime my friend... Plenty of spots if you wanna drive, walk and explore...

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Friday, 30 Sep 2011 at 10:41pm

Umm, well, I dunno, I can't be bothered answering.