Nike and surfing? JUST DONT!

ripurl quicksilver billabong nike addidas there all multi national company's all owned by non surfers so why is nike any worse?

since when was billaquickrip anticapitalist sushihead?

The founders of Quicksilver and Billabong have sold there companies long ago. Brian Singer and Doug Warbick the founders of Ripcurl were not what you would call real surfers in the first place, legend has it that Ripcurl was created so that Claw could announce to anybody within earshot that he had to go as he was due a a board meeting, whenever Winkipop got over 3ft.
I don't know why some surfers have the opinion that it is okay if it is a surfer running the company that is exploiting and fucking up surfing, I would have thought it was worse worse being ripped off by one of our own.

Yeah it all suck's,the big surf brands cashed in long ago, but at least they make surfing products not just clothing, it sucks how the big surf brands give nothing back to surfing, and exploit and expose surf spots..
would be nice to see them giving back to surfing, like putting $$$ into artifial reefs, perhaps in return they could have a big sign, like sponsored by rip curl and get naming rights "Rip curl reef" perhaps the only spots that can have true naming rights, if you create the reef, not just think your the first to surf it etc
And they could hold there comps there...guess im dreaming though, they don't give a shit about surfing just the $$$.

Maybe we should not be focusing our attention on the evil empires of fabric, but rather focus our attention on the small local fabric shapers.
Nike will still be absolutely thriving if their action sports range does not get bigger, but every piece of thread they sell will be one less item that the small companies will not be able to sell.
I humbly admit that I am a partaker of the large companies products, but I also proudly wear some local labels.

I gave up buying surf brand clothes long ago I started surfing in 88 as a very young grom and its crazy how much it's changed since then, it was just surfers wearing surf labels mostly because you couldn't buy the style of clothes they were making back then, bordies to surf in and hooded tops to keep warm after a surf...but i guess also because you wanted to be seen a surfer and it was rare for somebody that didn't surf or wasn't involved in surf culture to wear rip curl, billabong, quicksilver..but now every kid from the coast to city to middle of nowhere wears surf brands bit weird really.

and all those brands were only sold in surf shops, surf shops that mostly had surfboards and surf shops are more clothing shops with some selling boards and wetsuits...hmmm

Wax? Wot's that for then?? Brazilians???

I have heard that quiksilver are now stocked in david jones?? i think thats proof enough that surf companies are just there too keep their stock holders happy

But I do like them Hurley boardshorts.
And if you buy them direct from the States they're less than half price.
Suits me.

Nike to sell Hurley, Fanning to go to Hurley and Billabong possibly to buy Hurley...

Nike to sell Hurley, Fanning to go to Hurley and Billabong possibly to buy Hurley...
By: "jcyo"

Gee, lot of talk about Nike ripping off surfers here - but yet to understand how. If you don't like their stuff, don't buy it, pretty simple really. I think its just the usual knee jerk response to anything new in surfing that has everyone ranting and raving. Still gonna say they are evil when they use their huge R&D budget to create a super warm, long lasting flexible wetsuit that no surfing company has the coin to create?
You can trust Nike aren't gonna pull out cause a few guys think they aren't cool enough, so probably get used to seeing them around.

My first post so go easy guys. If you dont like Nike, Qsilver, Rip Curl,Four and Twenty Pies, Holden Cars, BP Petrol, or anything else made by a BIG company then dont support them by not making a purchase...easy really. Im not sure if you can avoid any BIG company these days unless you walk around nude and eat home grown veges and live in a tree. My first rant!

That's right jockey, only a nude surfer knows the feeling.

I saw in the paper last week that Nike admitted that workers were being abused and assaulted at a shoe factory they run in Indonesia but they "didnt know and cant control what happens there". Sounds a bit like Uncle Rupert at that British Parlimentary Inquiry last night"I cant control what they write in my papers!" Yeah Right.
Is anybody else nauseated by Nike's current interest in Action sport? (extreme \m/) I mean I knew they owned surf associated brands, but the commercial I saw the other day was just something else.
For a community dominantly anti-capitalist/establishment, this is a sickening liaison. The surf industry big wigs might not be the most socially conscious, but Nike is Hitler.