is it worth moving to Perth from Brisbane? Used to live in country Vicco so crowds, surf consistency and quality wasn’t issue, had to move to Brisbane for work and troubles began...currently debating whether to accept a job in Perth and surf consistency, size and crowds is a big player in the decision. Have two little kids and cannot disappear from home for very long so have to surf locally, how does Perth compare to Brisbane?
dialTuesday, 21 Dec 2010 at 3:11pm
Perfect for the misses and the tin lids. You're going to hate it unless you can find the time to head south. Perth is flat.
is it worth moving to Perth from Brisbane? Used to live in country Vicco so crowds, surf consistency and quality wasn’t issue, had to move to Brisbane for work and troubles began...currently debating whether to accept a job in Perth and surf consistency, size and crowds is a big player in the decision. Have two little kids and cannot disappear from home for very long so have to surf locally, how does Perth compare to Brisbane?