Cheap wetsuits??

Rip Curl outlet Birkenhead Point, KBomb. Should be able to pick up a decent one for around $300, although they had a big sale the other week and may have sold out.
Give 'em a bell.

Hey kbomb, try Charlie King of Watersports through I've just secured a new 4/3 O'Neill Psycho 1 for $279 landed from the UK... Delivery time is just over a week...

Check the Billabong factory outlet at Ashmore - I know you said no to Billabong but they also have Xcell steamers from around $180
And some very cheap 4/3s

i am the rep. email me
I can sort you out a 3:2mm steamer for a good way under $300. Full warranty, stretch neoprene.... etc Delivery in 3-4 days.
thanks for the opportunity to get a free plug in.

try bargains galore. i don't know why we get stung so much in oz. delivery of mine took about 10 days or so. good luck.

check Quikky Syncro
- 3/2 GBS stretchy rubber in the whole suit and a batwing for $299.. best value around!

King of water sports is unreal. Got that new oneill RG8 wetty in 3/2 for around $260. Best wetsuit I have worn.

i'll put my two bobs worth in for the Derevko. Got an evolution steamer for the winter just gone, awesome, just as good as my previous rip curl and west suits! Posted to me for just over $200 bucks !! Just got the alpha springy and will be in it tomorrow for it's first test, and only $105 !! I have a LS rip curl dawn patrol which has been back to the shop twice to fix tears in the chest panel, we'll see how the derevko holds up :)

Quiksilver online store have a heap of good priced wetsuits at the moment, limited in sizes
example : zipperless 3x2 steamer $165 delivered.
Was wondering if anyone knows of any places in the sydney area that sells cheap wetsuits? Are there 2nds factories for the brand names around like there are down in Torquay or on the Goldy??
Also...any ideas for a decent 3/2 steamer for around $300 that aint Billabong???
Thanks for any input.