Joel Monaghan

Regular gang-bangs, doing girls in toilets, wouldnt be surprised if they occasionally do each other, BUT doing a DOG !!!!!
Its just beyond comprehension !

Can't see any girls lining up to give him a blow job for awhile. What is even sadder is that family pets owner was most likely watching and laughing, in years to come being a footballer will be a valid defence in a court of law, a form of insanity

Here is a send up of the event
The Sexy Dr Harry of the Neighbourhood
Believe it or not, bestiality is legal in the ACT!

Yeah, he would be in a bit more trouble if he had done this in any other state or territory.
Seems as if the ACT has a few differences in laws compared to the rest of the country like fireworks etc.

Football: mostly played by boneheads whatever the code. Sport in Australia is the poorer for its existence.
Reminds me of a very funny joke about Con the Goat Fucker. Whatever good Con did in his life "thereafter" counted for nothing: the punchline is "you get caught fucking one goat in your life".

Football: mostly played by boneheads whatever the code. Sport in Australia is the poorer for its existence.
Reminds me of a very funny joke about Con the Goat Fucker. Whatever good Con did in his life "thereafter" counted for nothing: the punchline is "you get caught fucking one goat in your life".
By: "floyd"
Don't get that one.

Joel let the dogs out!
First I would like to say what a dog rooter, further more since I’ve been living away from the east coast for sometime now I have become quite detached from the likes of the NRL. And I must say I don't even miss it a little bit!
What did strike me , was that when I did occasionally watch the footy show or watch a game, I was taken back at how thick the rugby league fraternity really are. It really is comical at first listening to these thugs and clowns carry on! But then reality hits me and I can’t bear to listen or watch these adult pre schoolers any more! Rugby league is not a gentleman’s game played by thugs it is merely a simpler form of Rugby with a simpler form of player. Is it any wonder they root dogs!