thoughts on indo odyssy trip

I think its a golden idea, to travel the entire coast of Indo, and the way Banksy is going about it is also good. Showing you that there is something out there worth travelling for but not giving anything away in regards to specific locations. But now you see that Rip Curl is doing 'Tip2Tip' on a luxury charter and I can only imagine it will become the thing to do, with similar trips by other companies and the hidden gems that remained only for those who could be arsed with the effort will then become exposed and eventually somewhat crowded. It scares me because I am still young and selfish and want at least another ten years of uncrowded Indo waves to myself haha!
I reckon either North Sumatra or Sumba would've been my picks. By the look of the Java video on his youtube they scored but I'm sure there were a few days that I would've sat out along that coastline. Heavy!
I mean its there in your face everytime you log on to check forcast updates. Any ones thoughts on it? What leg would you do.