how much longer until i can were boardies

Yes and such a hassle to dry, I can not wait for warm water.

neck up, its part of surfing..dont like it-dont surf. dont whinge about it on here especially

well said alva! Your such a hero that im gonna nominate you for a medal of bravery.

well lets see.... you haven't told us where you surf or how long your average session is, so it makes it hard to predict when the water will be warm enough for boardies. Lets run through a couple of scenarios:
1) you live on the goldy and average session is 1 hour - pull those boardies on now!
2) you live in sydney - generally late october/early nov water temps reach 20/21C
3) you live in tassie and like to hit shippies for several hours at a time - unless you have more body hair than a seal you won't be wearing boardies any time soon

Wetties aren't that bad,
They protect my shins from the sharp edges of my swallow tail that I keep meaning to fix
They stop me getting a rash from the old wax I have on my board
They stop you getting sunburnt - handy when you have irish skin
They give your paddling a performance boost when you stop wearing them
I was out for the dawn session this morning and even some of the clubbies from Northcliffe had wetties on.

I find the peeps asking about whether they could get away with boardies funny. Just look at the water temps ya muppets and figure out your comfort zone! I met a VIC surfer out at the Goldie last winter during a screaming westerly, san's wettie or rashie, telling me how warm it was whilst we were all shivering in our steamers. Just shows how we acclimatise to what we are used to.
On the -ve side for wetties, they do stink up the car when you forget to take them out.
i don't know about you guys but im getting pritty sick of all this rubber, wetsuits are such a treck, putting them on and taking them off pisses the shit out of me and im getting pritty fed up