Well done Kelly...

Never thought id see it, but looks like Slats will have a new sticker soon......

My initial thought is "Check the date..."
But then he mentions Kering, who own Volcom. Also, if it is a joke it's in peculiar taste "[Kering] share my values and have the ability to support me in all of my endeavors." So Quiksilver don't..?
I'm waiting for further notice.


Yeah but it's the same open letter with no new quotes or info. And considering Kelly and Quik's clout with the ASP it would be very easy to have them play along.
Still skeptical...

Very skeptical...
No tweets or insta posts and to not make mention of April Fools in such a serious post and such a big prank day...

Have I been done? It certainly has a pungent odour.

Well if you did you're not alone. Over 3,000 people have liked his open letter with 300 shares and 300 comments.

yeah sounds a bit weird seeing as it has the 26th march on it but maybe more impact this way being posted on april fools day.Why would he really?

Ah, but he did the same for Snapper and he was with Quik then..

How's the subtle differences on the tails of the boards in Craigs pic.

Why worry he can probably buy it in a few years dirt cheap.
Craig's put both feet in

Odd fit for me, don't see the brand leverage unless he's running Volcom stickers.
Only other angle I can think of is that if Kelly has equity in ZoSea (as he almost certainly does in Kering if this is true) then he's the lever to get the Kering's of the world into sponsoring the ASP. Time will tell.
April Fool's timing is pretty classic but I got a mate down at Margs for the comp and he's hearing its legit apparently. Would also be legally really hard for Kelly to put out a statement like that if it isnt true, one thing to play a joke on your long term employer ... wrapping yourself up in another otherwise innocent brand is playing with fire. Esp when they're public co's, be interesting to see ZQK trading later today.

Crazy, especially with no statement from Quiksilver yet.

Knew it was legit.... I swear..... knew all along I didz......

So who'd ya have it confirmed by Ben?

Nothing on the Kering home-page in regards to a signing.

I'm still skeptical.
The guy is in his twilight years and has such a history insofar that he owns a small percentage of Quik.
I'm finding this very hard to believe especially with the timing of the announcement.

Fuck me I just googled Kering Kelly Slater its everywhere from Stabmag to Ribald.

New article up here: Kelly Slater quits Quiksilver
... for managing to concurrently distract the entire global surfing population in the space of sixty minutes.