Snowboard and Skating progressing faster whilst surfing being left behind....

radbone08's picture
radbone08 started the topic in Sunday, 1 Aug 2010 at 11:55pm

I was reading an article in a Waves magazine the other day about snowboard and skating progressing a lot faster than surfing. Now I think that call is very unfair for a number of reasons...

1. In snowboarding and skating there is a lot more room to progress.
2. Snowboarding you have your feet strapped to the board.
3. If a skater or a snowboarder doesn't do a jump or grind right they can go back to it later where as surfer's on a wave only have one chance because we are dealing with something which will not give us a second chance.
4. I could go on.....

Just want to hear your guys thoughts.....

Peace out Zac

brendo's picture
brendo's picture
brendo Monday, 2 Aug 2010 at 12:48pm

well yeah, so it's true, they have unlimited terrain and obstacles to use and work out different things to do. Can't compare them really.

radbone08's picture
radbone08's picture
radbone08 Monday, 2 Aug 2010 at 9:44pm

Thats why i found it so unfair but cheers for the reply :)
peace out

gannet's picture
gannet's picture
gannet Tuesday, 3 Aug 2010 at 2:20am

If you fall over snowboarding you can pick yerself up, dust yerself off and have another crack. Maybe practice the same turn 20 times on one run.

If you fall off surfing, its struggle back out to the lineup, find your position, wait for another wave, then give it another go.

I think any surfer who has boarded will agree that snowboarding is ... well... piece of piss. Sorry snowboarders

gannet's picture
gannet's picture
gannet Tuesday, 3 Aug 2010 at 2:22am

As for skating, well hats off.

Concrete's friggin hard.

radbone08's picture
radbone08's picture
radbone08 Tuesday, 3 Aug 2010 at 4:36am

yeah see where you are coming from
i have been snowboarding countless times and some stuff can get real hard but nothing as getting back out in a heavy lineup, as for skating i do think it can be as easy as snowboarding because you can still practice the same thing over and over again...

rhinoryan's picture
rhinoryan's picture
rhinoryan Tuesday, 3 Aug 2010 at 4:25pm

i think surfing is blowing up right now with all the different air/flip variations that are kicking around.... if anything shortboarders might be split into 3 groups, the tech/air guys, the style/power surfers and the fairy's with fashion beards.... hang on wait, has this already happened?

either way, it did take us a while to take to the skies compared to other board sports.

radbone08's picture
radbone08's picture
radbone08 Wednesday, 4 Aug 2010 at 5:30am

I think what the article was trying to get at was the fact that surfing spends alot of time in the same spot before it can move on where as all the other sports are consistently getting pushed
Peace out zac

radbone08's picture
radbone08's picture
radbone08 Wednesday, 4 Aug 2010 at 5:33am

But it is harder to progress in surfing

jaffa1949's picture
jaffa1949's picture
jaffa1949 Friday, 6 Aug 2010 at 7:41am

As an older and wiser Kahuna class destroyer I'll stick with the power and drive in surfing, if I get air, it would be a fart! (I mean farce)
Skate boarding not not I'm old enough to break something serious and snow boarding I do, but conservatively light airs and stuff with my 38 year old son in Austria.
Kudos to those who either do it well.
Even the boogers stand up in the snow FFS.

mtw's picture
mtw's picture
mtw Friday, 6 Aug 2010 at 8:29am

They are three different sports. I dont skate and I have never snowboarded, but I am nuts about surfing. Its like saying what is the most skillfull football code AFL, Leauge or Union, they all have the same shape ball.

Snowboarding, Skateboarding and surfing have different skill sets and each discipline takes a heap of balls when performed at a decent level.

For suggesting surfing wont develop that much more, just watch the airs that Clay Marzo, Jordy Smith and Dane Reynolds are doing when they go free surfing.

radbone08's picture
radbone08's picture
radbone08 Saturday, 7 Aug 2010 at 2:30am

Surfing has defineltly taken a big step lately