
Because the people who bitch about how and what craft they surf is better than someone else are simple minded fools with low self-esteem that are realy trying to convince themselves that what they surf and how they surf make's them superior than someone else.
One day these people might get over there ego's and find true happiness in themselves then they will get over all the crap they carry on about and as long as everyone that they are surfing with does the right thing then it shouldn't matter what they ride.

Fuck, here we go again!

alva=boggie boarder

last year was good in vic the 2 before that were shit and this year is average but good if you like medium to small swell maby only 4, xl swells on the open beaches this year

Alva some people are just happy being miserable and like to blame their "happiness" on other people.
Each person is responsible for their own state of mind and their subsequent reaction like mtw said here we go again but do we want to dedicate this thread to misery? NUH!
I was happy before this, but to add to all things, 4ft good surf cold but 3 friends, out new board, log fire and coffee at home after.
Politics, sexuality, choice of surf craft at this moment, here and now, do not matter!

Sorry Alva, I thought you were a booger trying to start another booger thread. "Fuck, here we go again" was aimed at the fact that we have 2 threads at the moment about boogers.
I live in Vic and I have looked forward to winter, this is when the summer crowds go away, but the surf has been ordinary so far. Nothing better in winter than getting to the beach in the dark, by the time you paddle out it is first light.
We all do this to get stoked! Does not matter how many fins are in your board, as long as you stand up, you rip.........

why must everyone not be stoked to just be able to surf waves and enjoy the ocean, no matter what you ride or who you are..why dont you just stop all bullshit bitching and talk about reall things man
By: "alva"
Let me restate your statement for you, as you clearly don't understand what is going on:
'Alva: Why do there have to be so many trolls on the internet, you guys are wankers! please stop it?!'
Dude if you go to a holden forum u will get the ford trolls going "yeh man ur all fkcing sik in ur fully sik commodores aye, go die".
So idiots like urself post threads like this ("guys stop it please get along") which is just baiting trolls who frankly can't resist replying to such a dumb thread.
And lol at that twat saying ppl have low self esteem and cant get over there ego's for paying out other surfcraft lol, yet ppl could say that about u when you cheer for ur favourite sporting team and bag out another. 'So you think ur superior do ya c**t?!'

"alva" wrote:why must everyone not be stoked to just be able to surf waves and enjoy the ocean, no matter what you ride or who you are..why dont you just stop all bullshit bitching and talk about reall things man
By: "eeks"
It is herebye declared that Alva and eeks have joined the club! let's all celebrate with a fine whine!
With so many posts like this we could make a whinery. Such noble rot! Botrytis to you all!
Much of the posting on threads ( including this one ) is so like graffiti tags all about notice me.
Then the "writer gets all precious and aggressive when another poster's opinion calls him on it.
Only real call so far = GO SURFING!

Eeks.I go out surfing as much as I can and very happy doing so.
Believe me I wasn't having a bitch as I really couldn't careless
about how petty people are about what others go surfing with.
All I was trying to do was give Alva a answer to the question he posted.
My answer is based being across alot of people in all walks of life,sport
and being old enough to draw a calculated conclusion.Besides peoples impression
that certain surfcraft riders have bad etiquite why else would one person have more
rights out there in the surf due to the board they ride?
I don't get that wrapped up in any sporting team as I have my own life to get stoked on.
But when I do cheer for a team believe me I don't bag the other team.I just cheer the team I support.

Mmmm coffee,why is coffee so damed good?

when i lived in california back in old days there were lots of different kinds of wave riding crafts - sups, boogies, goats, sailboards, kiteboards, you name it.
but only surfboards could survive, because you see, its very difficult to shoot while riding a wave unless you on surfboard.
evolution, my comrades.
and thats how skeet surfing was started.
and this dude is a skeet surfing world champ
looks cool, doesn't he ?

No comment needed about that video dude...
And that ad could only have been made by Americans.
Only the yanks could think "We got this surfer and we need to sell some sun glasses, HEY! Lets give him a gun, that'll work!!"
Anyway, as I sit and enjoy my arvo pick up I think we should get back to the most important question that has just been raised by Spongebob on this "why" thread.
Why is coffee so damed good... :)

Why is coffee so damed good... :)
By: "pete_79"
Has anyone had the cash to try the beans passed through the Indonesian civet cat's stomach and bowel yet. (as per the bucket list)
Waiting for the spring swell down here when the local beach kiosk which makes a great coffee reopens, then good surf after surf coffee and BS talk about how good we have it. ( notice not about how good we are but how good we have it.
There and then Alva has it right.

Cat poo coffee heard of it but never tryed it,but mad enough to try if it was offered for free. Gone through half a dozen drip filter machines in my time,most have been peices of shit,die after a year of use. Even the expensive ones are built like toys,might find a good one one day,probably one made in the 50s,something like the old Atomic. Why is it so danm good? Theres something about going to a good coffee shop,selecting your beans & having them ground. The smell! It's like the best old 70s Afganny hash,not that Id know of coarse. These days it's Moccona instant,but Ive been on it for a couple of years might be time for a change. So whats the best instant coffee,whats your poison?

Oh dear, instant, mmmm not good spongy, Moccona is the best of that stuff, but a better way to go IMO is to select small packets of the real stuff of various types and make your own blend, cost about the same and I plunge not drip. I have a stainless steel plunger,
I recently saw a stainless steel stove espresso machine I'm after one but i have to go to a city for that and then I'll get beans ( Ethiopian Mocha). Win Lotto I will try civet cat poo coffee.
Don't do the aluminium ones ( that's boiling your way to Alzheimer's).
Coffee seems to generate a more sociable set of posts leaving the petty stuff behind as we wander off thread.
Why not!

Yeh jaff I know,instant a slack way of making coffee.Its just time,good coffee takes time.With the drip filter you make 6-8 cups in one hit,the hot plate keeps it warm.But if you dont drink it with in half an hour it starts going bitter.Its hardly worth cranking it up for two cups.Never tryed the plunger,I might be missing something there.Ill have a look around ebay & see whats around in the way of vintage coffee gear.I always try to find the old stuff,much better build quality.Our place looks like an antique shop,but its all usable & the new stuff just seems soul less.

Whilst we are changing the subject, try and go down to your local coffee roaster and buy some raw beans.Roast you own coffee, try using a popcorn machine, just make sure all the beans are moving around in the popcorn machine during the roast. It is a little trial and error but once you work it out it is a really nice brew. Just let the beans rest for 24-48hrs before grinding and drinking.
It will take you a few attempts but it is a really nice roast once you get it right. It is also makes an interesting conversational piece when you have friends come over.
Agree with you spongey, gotta use an old (or old style machine) the new ones are too automatic.The old hand pump machines, although hard to find and can be expensive, will last forever. Once you get it right, you will not taste a better cuo of coffee.

Hey jaffa Atomic era stove top Vev idea Italian coffee maker $17,no bids 2 days to go on ebay.Might save you a trip to the city. Mtw that idea with the popcorn machine sounds the go,Ill have to give it a try. Why? could become a great thread,alva asked why we dont talk about the real things?The pre/post surf coffee is a real thing for many in surfing.

Jamaican blue coffee?

Best coffee roaster is a place in Pymble Sydney called Sibonis. I know this is not the place to plug companies but geez they are good roasters. This French guy used to own it, I went in and asked for 1/2kg of coffee. He wouldnt sell it to me, because he did not know me. He said come back next week and I will teach you how to make coffee, I politely advised him that I already know how to make coffee. He then answered me, that I am going to serve his coffee to all my friends and if I dont know how to make coffee all my friends will think his coffee is crap. Hey, it makes sense! I thought anyone that is so arrogant and that sure of the quality must be good. I have been buying coffee from them for ten odd years. The French guy sold it about 5yrs ago.

Mrs Spongey has informed me we have a drip filter machine stuffed away in the back of the cupboard. Dug it out & its a Black & Decker,when the hell did we get that! All this coffee talk has got me going,so Ill go & track down some beans for it. Give it a run with two cups till I find something better. Theres only one coffee supply shop in town. We've lived here 3 years & I have'nt been in there yet.Slack.A lot of machines in the window,so he must have some decent beans. Ill see if he's got any of Jaffas Ethiopian Mocha & give it a try. Hey Ed that Jamaican Blue sounds famillier is that a shop or a packet coffee,Im sure we bought a packet from the supermarket called that.Apart from shop bought coffee Ive been on the instant for around 3 years,might be time to get serious about it again.

Glad to have you on the happy Java Crew( brew). There's a Kona Gold too not the THC kind.. having your own roasting house nearbye is a great start. If it's fair trade beans even better.

Found a good coffee web site,Coffeesnobs.com.au,there a heaps of info on DIY machine repair,spares & mods,all the hard to find info.Its a gold mine for anything coffee.Happy Java.

nice looking skate park, where is that? Started skating before I surfed, it's awesome fun but a bit harder on the body when you fall :)

Chicago trucks,bitumen & gravel rash.

The Philippines' taste for civet coffee By Sarah Toms BBC News, Manila
Beans for a unique cup of coffee
The Philippines has recently discovered it produces one of the world's most expensive and coveted kinds of coffee.
But it comes from an unusual source - the droppings of a nocturnal, cat-like animal called the palm civet. Their droppings are worth their weight in gold.
The beans pass through the civet whole after fermenting in the stomach and that's what gives the coffee its unique taste and aroma.
WOW of course!
"It goes through some kind of natural processing which you can see from the roasted beans. It's more oily, there's more aroma and it's such a good taste that you can get value for money even if the cost is so high."
Civet coffee is one of the world's most expensive. In the Philippines, only 500 kg are produced a year and the roasted beans sell for more than $115 a kilogram.
Finding and preparing the beans is labour-intensive work
The droppings found, are put in two containers - for the old ones, which resemble chalky beans, and for the fresh ones, which look like yellow beans in gravy. Urrrr right, put me off my baked beans
When I first heard of it I thought this is one kind of coffee that we can look at and develop," he said. "If we have the volume then it's good for the niche market."
'Dark chocolate'
Andrew Gross,( an appropriate name) an Australian roast master, climbed the mountain to find out for himself what the attraction is of coffee that passes through the backside of a furry mammal.
Mr Gross said the coffee had 'some substance'
Just like a wine connoisseur, he slowly slurped the brewed coffee, letting it travel across his tongue for the first time.
Mr Gross said he was surprised at how much he liked it, comparing the taste to fermented plum and dark chocolate with hazelnuts.
"There's obviously some substance to this in terms of what waves I am getting, but beyond the difference in flavours a lot of it has to do with hype and a lot of it has to do with the fact that it's fairly rare," he said.
It may not be everyone's cup of tea.(Of course not you silly journo it's coffee!) But experts here hope coffee lovers will want to treat themselves to something special that might just help perk up the Philippine coffee industry.
My comments in bold italics might save up to have a cup, question is it a latte, cappuccino or a milk and two sugar job?
A before or after surf drink? ;)

Wonder if it would work passing it through your own gut,self sufficient & heaps cheaper.Ill get back to you with the results.

You'd certainly hope the civet doesn't have intestinal worms or some other butt parasites, you might be getting 'extra flavour' without realising it!!
Or Google 'bluewaffle' to see what else you might be getting... Uh I just threw up a little.

This is what a diet of Blue waffles & Civet can do for you.

Id like to get a look at his board,must be 4" thick,who knows how wide & the fins?Dont know how he does it,but he gets along!Dont worry about the beans Alva,Ill send you some to try once Ive finished processing them.Id like your opinion,I might think their top notch,you might think their shit!

Yeah Pete we brought another drip filter machine,I wanted a decent espresso machine but Mrs Spongy reckoned bathroom renovations where more important than a good coffee machine.PHILISTINE!!Anyway Ive been on the Ethiopian Mocha as sugested by the Jaffa,bloody nice!!Its only the Harris stuff but Ill have to order some of the good stuff from Canberra & drink myself into heart palpitations.In fact it must be time for a brew right about now!
P.S Fuck I hate tiling!!!

Where's that place Pete? Keen to give it a bell.

Don't know how keen you are for a good coffee Ben, it's on the Bruce highway up passed Gympie (Qld).
I'm guessing that's a bit too far for you to race up from Sydney just for some coffee.:) It's good, but probably not that good...

Well, considering some of the crap I've bought on the Pacific Highway over the years, another thousand kays would probably be well justified :D
Always happy to buy this stuff online though (assuming it is available).. do you remember its name?

No worries mate, get some HERE
why must everyone not be stoked to just be able to surf waves and enjoy the ocean, no matter what you ride or who you are..why dont you just stop all bullshit bitching and talk about reall things man