Pyzel Phantom for small but good-shape beachies?

Simon 5-spark will do the trick.
Plenty of other boards would too though.

Have not ridden a Phantom, but plenty of sticks that fit the bill. What is your groveller and step up brand and model surfboard and the dimensions pops? That will narrow it down a bit.

if you're keen to try a big brand off the rack I reckon a HT2.5 by Sharp-eye fits the bill.
very, very sparky shortboard oriented towards small but good waves.
it's the swallow-tail with the tail channels that Filipe rides.

Jye Byrnes Bonzer 5 for something completely different and super fun. So much drive so much fun. Mines 5'10" x 20 x 2 5/8. Diamond tail. Im 178cm 78kg

It is an absolute blast. Loves the hollow stuff. If you go that way Jye will talk with you re dimensions etc. I grew up on single fins. These have that "hold" of the single with the squirt of a thruster. have a look at his site theres videos of them in action too.

Them wide tail grovellers are hell skatey...the in-between or all rounder Chilli rare birds, perri perri; Lost Rocket v3, puddle jumper HP: JS Blackbox, DHD 3DX; Channel Island has many rocket wide, weirdo ripper, dumpster diver, bunny chow, o5’2 Annesley groveller should have no prob with stock dims. Where are you located? around same price or cheaper go see your local shaper or gumtree it 5’9 phantom in cromer

I've got a 6'0" HT2.5 Pops.
it's got some fishy elements to it but an insane amount of high perf.
but easy to ride.
doubt you would need to customise it, it would either work at the stock dims or not be suitable.

nah, it's made at glass lab Gold and they do a great job with the lams.
2-4ft. maybe 1-4ft.
put one under the arm.

plenty of local shapers could get the job done but you seem in the mood for a major label purchase.
put a phantom and a HT2.5 under the arm and I reckon you'll have a good idea of which way you want to go.

psilakis, warner go down to the factory have a chat, webby and G. McNeil good to deal with from a far.

Where you located Pops?

Pops I’ve got a Phantom and love it. It’s my board for 2-5ft surf. Vicco reefs and beachies. Goes well in Indo too. Highly recommended.

Channel Islands Rocket Wide in spinetek and AM 2 plus one fins. Speed to burn

Nth part of Northern beaches
your right amongst Big Simon territory..get down the beach feel a few boards up ..maybe a test ride of a Nomad

what fins are you going to try first Pops?

(In response to Pops' earlier question)
Sorry for the delay. Just saw this. Goes well in weaker stuff. Although weaker here is probably different to what you have to contend with. I've found it to be a very good all rounder and I ride it 90% of the time I surf.

sounds like it does the job seem a little non-plussed though.
happy with it?

copy that.

sounds good Pops, how does it go in the intended conditions?

right on.
is it the same "family" as the Ghost?
got back on my Ghost in the run-up and post mortem of the Uesi swell and totally fell in love with it.
but it's definitely not a groveller.

it really was, and to m,y delight I found it pairs perfectly with a Webster Desert Storm.
dream team step up combo.

Good reports Pops, nice and thorough. Ta

Cheers for the review Pops.

Thanks, Pops. Good review.
FR, giving that you have a shorter DS, how do you find the transition between your Ghost and DS? Mine are 6'3 and 6'10, and while night and day both are excellent.
Curious to hear what your experience is.
(Btw, had a marathon session on my deep six Byrning Spears today. Whoa, never let than one go!)

the transition was seamless, both ways, which I was surprised about.
not in any small measure because I've got the Ghost set up as a thruster and the DS as a quad.

interesting that Pops notes a "non-uniform response through the arc of the carve" which I also experienced with the Ghost and attributed to the particularities of the rocker curve.
this time around I got really nice banked turn snowboard feels, and felt that easing through first half of the turn and then really leaning on it was giving me a lot of really good turns.
for some reason it came natural to me straight away this time. last time I struggled with that a bit and had a few flubbed turns.

I find the same with the ghost . Drawn out through the first half of a carve and then a rapidly acute arc on finish . I’m not a real fan of having the progression of a turn partially dictated to me by a board.
I realise that all boards must do this to a degree but the ghost is just a bit too dominant in our relationship !

Blowin the humble supplicant?
Yep, the Ghost does that: draaawn out carve, then snappy finish when the back foot is weighted.
I’m very relaxed going between the DS and Ghost, even though they’re so different. The DS just feels so powered up, like a weirdly subtle monster truck.
Ordering a 6’4 DS, and it’ll be very interesting comparing that to my 6’3 Ghost.

"The DS just feels so powered up, like a weirdly subtle monster truck."
Yep, with an incredibly cushioned suspension.
I'm looking for a new board to fill a pretty important gap in my quiver. I've got boards for good waves (head to double-over), pushing-my-mediocre-limits waves (double-overhead plus), and gutless slop - but I don't have a board that excels in those good-but-small (waist to head) days. My groveller tends to be a bit slippy, having a very wide tail, and my good-wave board is a bit on the long side. I'm also keen to try a new shaper - I've surfed mostly chillis over the past 10-15 years, also some arakawas, insights, an Annesley and a lost.
Have any of you ridden a Pyzel Phantom? The shape looks like it should go well in what I have in mind, but I'm yet to see one in the flesh.